To the editor: Ameden seeks to make a difference filling vacant Derry Select Board seat

Dear Londonderry Community,

Being raised in a small town gives you a different perspective on life. Neighbors come together to help each other, while strangers can become family.

Opportunities are endless for the younger generation to learn as they make their mark upon the community. I have had the privilege of growing up in such a place. When I say becoming a select board member is more than just a title to me, what I mean is I believe it is bigger than one person.

It’s a privilege and a commitment to represent not only the town, but all of the people that call Londonderry home. There should be no “us vs. them,” there should be no personal agendas, just a dedication to listening to all viewpoints in order to make the best decisions possible for Londonderry’s growth and best interests.

Recently, members of the community have asked what my goals are and what I stand for. How do I plan to make a difference?

Let’s make a difference by empowering the younger generation to step into various leadership roles and positions throughout the community. There is knowledge to be gained and lessons to be learned to ensure a brighter future for Londonderry. Change is inevitable, and my goal is to work for positive change for all members of the community. This can be done without neglecting the hard-working people who uphold our town’s deepest values. Most of all, my goal is to be a voice for the people. Regardless if you’ve been here for generations or just moved here, everyone’s voice deserves to be heard.

I’ve said this before, but I truly believe that no issue is too big or too small, and I will do my best to listen to every side and make decisions that are in the best interest for our town.

I’ve been fortunate to grow up in a family deeply rooted in community service, which gave me a sense of civic duty that began in high school with the Londonderry Fire Department. Over the past 16 years, the fire department has allowed me to develop and hone my communication and leadership skills while battling fires, floods and so much more. My involvement has grown into becoming the vice president of the fire auxiliary, former driver for the rescue squad, as well as coached Burr and Burton’s JV Basketball. I will continue to uphold these values of civic duty as your select board member.

In conclusion, I’m here for you and to do what’s in the best interest of Londonderry. We will soon organize an opportunity to come meet, ask questions, and discuss any concerns you may have. I look forward to having the opportunity to represent a place that has made me the man I am today, a place I am proud to call home.

Warm regards,
James Ameden Jr.

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