VINE Sanctuary receives prestigious 2024 ‘Spirit of ADA Award’

VINE Sanctuary, a Springfield-based farmed animal sanctuary, has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Spirit of ADA Award by the Governor’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities.

This award honors businesses that exemplify the values of the Americans with Disabilities Act by promoting inclusive hiring, training and retention of people with disabilities.

VINE Sanctuary was recognized for its commitment to creating equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The Spirit of ADA Award is part of the GCEPD’s mission to foster partnerships among businesses, government and people with disabilities, as well as to promote equal employment for all Vermont citizens.

“We are incredibly honored to receive this award,” said Cheryl Wyle of VINE Sanctuary. “At VINE, we are committed to creating a place that is a sanctuary to all individuals, including visitors, staff and residents, and this recognition encourages us to continue our efforts.”

The award will be presented at a ceremony in October in recognition of Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about disability employment issues and celebrating the many and varied contributions of workers with disabilities.

VINE Sanctuary works for social and environmental justice and animal liberation. The solar-powered sanctuary was the first to rehabilitate roosters used in cockfighting and is home to more than 500 residents. The founders met while working on a campaign to protect the housing rights of people with disabilities, making this award especially meaningful to its mission and history. Click here for more information.

Filed Under: Business & Personal FinanceBusiness in Brief

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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