To the Editor: Constituents support cellphone ban
The Chester Telegraph | Mar 12, 2012 | Comments 1
I recently distributed an informal poll, prepared by state Sen. William Doyle, to my constituents in Andover, Baltimore and Chester to give them an opportunity to share their thoughts on various issues of statewide importance.
An overwhelming majority of the Doyle Poll respondents in my district agreed that drivers should be prohibited from using cellphones or texting while driving. An even greater number support the construction of wind turbines on ridge lines and a large majority want to see the returnable bottle law expanded to include all bottled beverages. More than 75% of you expressed optimism about the future of Vermont. The broadest consensus was for the continuation of the State of Vermont’s support for our working farms and forests.
Many of the issues that received broad support are matters that I am promoting in the State House, including The Working Lands Enterprise Bill (H.496), which will create a fund to provide grants and loans to spur economic growth in agricultural and forestry related businesses. There is a bright opportunity for agriculture in Vermont as we become more aware of the foods we eat, where they come from and the energy and environmental costs of massive corporate farming.
I will be meeting with voters in Chester at Baba a Louis from 10 a.m. to noon April 7th and at the Andover Town Hall from 10 a.m. to noon April 14th. You may contact me by phone at home at 802-875-3456 or by email at
state Rep. Leigh Dakin
Andover, Baltimore, Chester and N. Springfield
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
About the Author:
Using a C-phone vs. Texting are two distinctions, one takes vision off the road, one does not.
So I question this poll.