Archive for November, 2012

Briefs: Whiting Library raffle; St. Luke’s Annual Tea and Sale; new exhibit at VTica
Local woodworker Albert Williams has donated a cherry wood children’s table and chairs set to the Whiting Library to be raffled off to help meet the library’s year-end budget goals. It can be seen at the library, located at 117 Main St. in Chester. Tickets are $5 each and are available at the library, from […]

Police Log for Sept. 15 – Nov. 1
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Thursday, Nov. 1 Mattson Road. A resident complained that neighbors were target shooting behind the house scaring the complainant and family. Wednesday, Oct. 31, […]
To the editor: Help keep Whiting Library healthy, growing
On any given day, more than 100 patrons visit Chester’s Whiting Library to borrow books, periodicals and audio-visual materials, to use the reading room, the computers and the research facilities. And now, Vermont’s first telescope lending program at the Whiting Library lets you view the night sky up close and personal. Although all these services […]

1st quarter honor roll announced by GMUHS
Green Mountain Union Middle and High School has announced its first quarter honor roll. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-. (There must be an A+, A or A- to offset the one grade of C+, C or C-). High School Honors means that the […]

Fragrant lamb for a special Christmas dinner
By Jim Bailey There aren’t many times when I can ‘meat’ out recipes with lamb as the central theme, but thank goodness, Christmas is one. I have repeatedly extolled my love of this meat and, during the holidays, I love to show people just how easy it is to prepare fragrant lamb. If I […]

Family Center Thrift Shop formally opens
The Chester-Andover Family Center’s Thrift Shop officially opened its new doors last Tuesday, Nov. 20 to the cheers of the many volunteers who had spent the last few months readying the building, which in its lifetime had housed three restaurants — Putney Pasta, Azteca and Curtis’ BBQ — before being purchased by the charitable organization […]
Backgrounder: Act 250, the Land Use and Development Act
Passed in the spring of 1970, Act 250 was the result of development pressures brought on by the opening of I-91 and I-89. The governor and state legislature were among those concerned that greater access would result in environmental problems, traffic congestion and over development among other problems that would combine to be a burden […]

Act 250 Commission hears Dollar General proposal, residents’ concerns
By Cynthia Prairie Emotion tinged the afternoon testimony of many of the 13 people who spoke against the proposed Dollar General store on Friday, Nov. 9 before an audience at Chester Town Hall that at one point numbering more than 50. One by one, Chester business owners, residents and a second homeowner — who had […]
Backgrounder: The Dollar General project
The 9,100-square-foot project, being developed by the Zaremba Group of Ohio, received an approval in October 2011 from the Chester Development Review Board for a subdivision, since it is currently part of property owned by Ted Zachary, who ran a pizza house adjacent to the parcel he is hoping to sell to Dollar General. The […]

Giving thanks … to the chef
By Becki Trudell The Thanksgiving holiday is centered around a huge meal and, of course, family. But with the big meal comes hours of preparation — and a great, big mess. Peeling potatoes, chopping onions, basting a turkey and the inevitable dirty pans and soiled tablecloths are not likely to put a damper on your […]

Chester not on winners list of Prettiest Painted Place
Chester is not among the winners of the Paint Quality Institute’s Prettiest Painted Places in America Competition. Chester made the first cut – from nearly 200 places to 60 finalists, but was not among the 12 winners (one from a small town and one from a large town in each region) nor the nine nominees […]

Briefs: Gov. Kunin to speak twice in Chester; Senior luncheon; Specker concert; Santa photo funder for TARPS; interim pastor at St. Luke’s; volunteer drivers sought
Former Vermont Gov. Madeleine Kunin will speak twice in Chester on Sunday, Nov. 18, first at the First Universalist Parish Stone Church at the 9:30 a.m. service, then, at 2 p.m. as Misty Valley Books’ final Vermont Voice 2012, also at the Stone Church in Chester’s Stone Village. After serving as a Vermont state legislator […]

Intimate and cozy: Pork tenderloin for Thanksgiving
By Jim Bailey This recipe is great for an intimate dinner for two or a cozy meal for three. Of course you can prepare this savory and sweet pork dish for more, but be forewarned, it may require a little more effort than you care to give. A Yankee Thanksgiving Pork Tenderloin At the […]

To the editor: Family center thanks all for donations of time and goods
On Monday, Nov. 5, a caravan of pick-ups with open trailers loaded with racks of clothes headed to the new home of the Chester-Andover Family Center, thanks to Les Hale and John Hennessey. The center’s volunteer angels were out in full force getting the job done and the CAFC Board would like to give a […]

7th graders fundraise to aid Hurricane Sandy victims
The 7th grade class of Green Mountain Middle School is holding a “Every Penny Counts” fundraiser to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy, the largest Atlantic Hurricane on record that tore through the East Coast in late October. The “superstorm” killed more than 100 people, destroyed hundreds of homes and left millions without power. The […]

Put the spice into rice pudding with candied ginger
By Jim Bailey I have a recipe written by my grandmother, four times removed, for Apple Whitpot. Although I have followed her recipe and loved it, I created my own adaptation, which I think you will enjoy immensely, especially with the holidays coming up. Apparently my ancestor meant to write whitepot, missing the “e.” […]

Election Day proves busy for Chester voters; preferences reflect most of state
By the time the 2nd floor polling place doors opened at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, a line of patient Chester voters snaked down the stairs, out the front door of Town Hall and into a chilly but sunny day that continued to draw a steady stream of voters to cast their ballots. While the […]

Family center volunteers open new pantry doors, thrift shop to open Nov. 20
UPDATE: The Thrift Shop will open officially at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20. After weeks of hard work by eager volunteers from all over the area, the Chester-Andover Family Center has finally opened the doors to customers of its food pantry and moved most of its thrift shop goods into its new site at 908 […]