Archive for February, 2013
Time to vote
The Norman Rockwell image is that Vermont governments are supremely open and Vermonters ensure that openness through hearty civic participation through institutions like Monday’s annual Town Meeting and Tuesday’s Election Day. That belief is reinforced each March by national media reports that tell of the quaintness and fervor of Vermont’s Town Meeting day. So, it’s […]
GMUHS senior heads to Poetry Out Loud Competition
Four Windsor County students — one a senior from Green Mountain Union High — will be heading to the Barre Opera House on Wednesday, March 13 to compete in the 2013 Vermont Poetry Out Loud State Competition. There they will meet 34 other students vying to win the State Championship in the national poetry recitation […]

Police Log for Jan. 4 to Feb. 10, 2013
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, Jan. 4, 3:41 p.m. About $600 in uncirculated $2 bills and Kennedy half dollars were reported taken from two cash registers at a […]
Town Meeting Monday, Election Day Tuesday
Chester’s annual Town Meeting begins at 6 p.m. Monday, March 4, at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Voters will decide on a number of articles including Chester Town School District items and a Chester Town government spending measure totaling $540,000 for: a new dump truck ($128,406); a new grader ($250,000); sidewalk replacement ($60,000); $44,000 […]

Two solar farms slated for Chester
By Karen Zuppinger Two large solar farm projects are making their way into Chester. Representatives from three of the four companies involved attended the Select Board meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20 to make presentations and answer questions. The biggest company, Solar Renewable Energy LLC, will locate its project near Route 103 North and Trebo Road. […]

Weston Playhouse lineup; natural grasses workshop at VTica; free healthy living workshops
Educating Rita, 42nd Street among Weston Playhouse offerings Weston Playhouse Theatre Company’s summer season runs from June 25 through Sept. 11, opening with Educating Rita and three other familiar titles. Educating Rita is the story of a gutsy hairdresser seeking to better herself with an Open University course. The play runs through July 6. Weston’s […]

Soba noodles with vegetables makes a beautiful dish
By Jim Bailey I love to add fruits and vegetables to many dishes without altering – too much – the original concept of the dish. This recipe is not only a perfect meal by itself, but beautifully presented. The colors are almost as vibrant as the taste. And when you enjoy a meal that […]

Bock sees hope in enterprise economy, influx of baby boomers
By Cynthia Prairie To add to Chester’s tax base, Tom Bock sees hope in the baby boom generation, those with money who wish to retire to quiet, small town Vermont. To add to the job base, Bock, who is running for his fourth consecutive year on the Select Board, believes that light manufacturing – an […]

Jonynas sees benefit to police review board, promoting Chester
By Cynthia Prairie Arne Jonynas calls on his experience in both public and private sectors to inform his views on town government and his duties on the Select Board. Jonynas is seeking a third one-year term. In a recent interview, Jonynas, who owns Chester Plumbing, recalls working at the Town of Windsor Windham Highway Department. […]

Ravlin wants new businesses, new residents
By Cynthia Prairie Tami Wilkins Ravlin will tell you quite honestly that she’s a bit nervous. After all, the Chester native has never run for public office. And despite her background in accounting and information technology, she knows she’s got a learning curve to master should she be elected to the Select Board. She is […]

Election Day bake sales; Lenten worship services; VTica potluck; diabetes program; raw milk meetings; hands-on demonstrations; free tobacco cessation course
Chester-Andover Family Center Election Day bake sale Chester-Andover Family Center Election Day Bake Sale at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 5 upstairs in the Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Money raised will support the center’s Food Shelf and the emergency financial assistance program. As a result of the recent House Warming fundraiser sponsored by former […]
Chester Rec Dept. holds baseball camp, softball clinic
The Chester Recreation Department is accepting registrations for two March programs. Both will take place at Green Mountain High School, 716 VT Rte. 103 S. The Green Mountain Softball Clinic will be 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday and Sunday March 9–10. Run by GM varsity baseball coach Terry Farrell, the clinic is recommended for children […]

Cured salmon for a tasty New England chowder
By Jim Bailey Imagine yourself on a three- to four-month voyage to a land you have never been to on a ship with the barest of essentials during the 17th century. You eat well of fresh meats, cheeses, breads and such for the first month, maybe month and a half. Then your diet is […]
To the editor: No to assisted suicide
An amended version of S-77 has passed the Vermont Senate and will be read in the Vermont House sometime soon. As a Vermont resident, I ask that all our representatives vote no on assisted suicide. If assistance to die becomes a medical procedure, then what will stop my insurance company or whomever the hospital requires […]

Political newcomer challenges Select Board incumbents
On the cover: from left, Tami Ravlin, Arne Jonynas and Tom Bock. All photos by Cynthia Prairie The Chester Telegraph recently interviewed the three candidates who are vying for two seats on the Chester Select Board, incumbents Tom Bock and Arne Jonynas and political newcomer and lifelong Chester resident Tami Wilkins Ravlin. Discussions centered around […]
Select Board meeting agenda for Wednesday, Feb. 20
The Chester Select Board is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 at the Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Following is the agenda. 1. Approve Jan. 7, 2013 and Feb. 6, 2013 Selectboard Minutes 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Solar Farm Project Presentations Sovernen Soveren Solar presentation regarding possible installation […]

Warm strawberry fritters for your sweetheart
By Jim Bailey The French have been making strawberry fritters for centuries. In fact, Menon, in his 1793 French cookbook titled The French Family Cook, gives us this strawberry fritter recipe for the first time in print that I am able to find. “Make a paste with some flour, a spoonful of brandy, half […]

Break Maids play Magic; scholarship funds available; hands-on Montshire exhibit
The Break Maids are bringing their soulful sounds back to Magic Mountain in Londonderry for a free concert from 8 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 16. If you haven’t been out to Magic’s Black Line Brew Pub located in the base lodge of Magic Mountain, now is time. These three local women are bringing […]

Everything’s coming up roses at Chester Flowers
Aflorist shop on Valentine’s Day can be a mix of artists’ studio, take-out restaurant, couples counselor and NASA mission control. Few retail settings perform such hire wire acts of timing and aesthetics. And tomorrow Diane Stocker and Cheryl LeClair of Chester Flowers will be working to make a lot of sweethearts happy. Their small shop […]

Select Board considers special town meeting to OK fire truck purchase
By Karen Zuppinger The Chester Select Board agreed last Wednesday to consider holding a special town meeting to allow voters to decide whether to allocate $250,000 for a new fire truck. The Chester Fire Department hopes to get approval for the truck now, but pay for it in 2014, thereby saving the town about $10,000. […]