Archive for February, 2013

With a little human intervention, an ice sculpture grows
Is it a work of art, a science demonstration or just cool? One Popple Dungeon resident has harnessed the power of gravity to raise this blue column near his home this winter. Peter Delaney, who lives two miles from the Grafton Road, said that he had seen this done before and decided to use the […]
Feb. 25 DRB hearing
The Chester Development Review Board will hold its next public hearing on Monday Feb. 25 beginning at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. On the night’s agenda: 1) Minor Lot Line adjustment request by the First Universalist Church with their neighbors, Stuart Lackie, on North St. 2) Reconvened Conditional Use hearing for T.H. […]
Hearing set on Windsor County Courthouse renovation bond
An informational bond hearing to approve a $2 million renovation of the Windsor County Courthouse will be held upstairs in the Springfield Municipal Building, 96 Main St., beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday Feb. 21. Every Windsor town will be voting on this bond issue and this meeting is being held in advance of the Tuesday, […]
Development Review Board agenda for Monday, Feb. 11
The Chester Development Review Board will meet on Monday, Feb. 11. The board will first meet at 5:30 p.m. for a site visit 985 VT. Rte 103 S. The public hearing will begin at 6 p.m. on the 2nd floor of Town Hall, 556 Elm St. On its agenda is: Conditional Use hearing for T.H. […]

State should adopt more transparency for law enforcement
This commentary by Bill Schubart was written for Vermont Public Radio and aired Monday, Feb. 4, 2013. Audio is available on line at By Bill Schubart By way of full disclosure, I’m Chair of the VT Journalism Trust, doing business as, serve on the Board of the VT ACLU, and am a former […]

Crab and cheese gnocchi a delightfully filling dish
By Jim Bailey We all love macaroni and cheese and there are many ways of preparing it so that it is more filling. Try substituting gnocchi for the macaroni. It’s a great alternative to traditional pasta and just a tad more filling. Combining the ocean’s harvest elevates this dish to a beautifully, robust standing. […]

3 Chester students earn high honors at New England Classical Academy
The New England Classical Academy, a non-profit, independent, coeducational day school located in Claremont N.H. announces its 2nd quarter honors recipients, three of whom are from Chester. Summa Cum Laude (students earning a grade point average of 97% and higher) Samantha Lavertue, 11th Grade, Claremont, N.H. Marin Pennell, 8th Grade, Chester, VT. Autumn Rose Prunier, […]

Nature Center offers programs on climate change, winter wildlife tracking
The Grafton Nature Center offers two environment-related programs this week. First, the center is collaborating with Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society and The Rockingham Public Library to offer a talk titled Water and Vermont’s Changing Climate, at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7 in the Rockingham Public Library, 65 Westminster St., in Bellows Falls. It will be […]

Misty Valley’s New Voices draws 200
Two hundred people attended Misty Valley Books’ 19th Annual New Voices 2013 authors event at the First Universalist Parish in the Stone Village on Saturday, Jan. 26. Misty Valley Books co-owner Bill Reed said the discussions during and after the event were lively and the comments following the event he called “glowing.” Bruce Johnson of […]
Select Board Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, Feb. 6
The Chester Select Board will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 6 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. The five-member board meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Current members are John DeBenedetti, chairman; Derek Suursoo, vice chairman; Tom Bock; Arne Jonynas and Bill Lindsay. SELECTBOARD MEETING AGENDA 7 p.m. Feb. 6, 2013 […]