Archive for April, 2013

Summer rec camps for kids, pool hours and adult programs
The Chester Recreation Department is offering a variety of summer camps, workshops and classes for all ages. Sign up at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm Street, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m Camp location addresses are at the end of this list. GREEN MOUNTAIN SPORTS and FITNESS CAMP: Offered for children ages […]
Select Board agenda for May 1: Public comment on proposed zoning regs
SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA The Select Board meeting begins at 7 p.m. It is held in Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. 1. Approve tabled minutes from March 20, 2013 Select Board meeting and executive session and April 17, 2013 Select Board meeting and executive session 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Unified […]

Residents express concerns about development during hearing on proposed bylaws
By Cynthia Prairie A handful of Chester residents testified last Wednesday before the Select Board on changes they would like to see to the proposed Unified Development Bylaws, which for the first time will include zoning and subdivision regulations and flooding protection within one document. For the public hearing, Select Board member Tom Bock moved […]

Celtic & gospel music at Baptist Church; Chorale & orchestra present Bach; Whiting book discussion; Weston Playhouse sets gala
Celtic/gospel performers The Sky Family will perform their high energy Celtic dance and Gospel production “Celtic Revival” 7 p.m. Friday, April 26, downstairs at the Chester Baptist Church, 162 Main St. as part of the church’s ground4LIFE program. The Skys, eastern Canada’s premiere Irish dance artists, are known for fast-paced fiddle music and high-energy Irish […]
NECA third-quarter honor roll announced
New England Classical Academy based in Claremont, NH, announces the third quarter honor roll for its students in grades 7 through 12 for the 2012-2013 school year. Four of those students are from Chester. Summa Cum Laude (students earning a grade point average of 97% and higher) Autumn Rose Prunier, 7th Grade, West Windsor, VT. […]

Coddled eggs in chili for breakast, lunch or dinner
By Jim Bailey Although this recipe may look as though it would be for breakfast, why not enjoy this spicy egg dish anytime throughout the day? While it contains no meat, you will find this to be satisfying and you won’t have to look down at the scale afterward. If desired, grill a slab […]
To the editor: VT lawmakers should not pass physician assisted suicide
Editor’s note: Here’s a link to the latest story on this issue from Passing S77, physician assisted suicide (misnamed “Patient Choice”) and calling suicide a legal medical treatment takes away patient choice from far many more Vermonters than it gives to those few who want to require others to bless and participate in the […]

Hearing on zoning regulation changes tonight
The Chester Select Board will be holding a public hearing at 7 tonight, Wednesday, April 17, on proposed changes to the Unified Development Bylaws, which govern zoning, subdivision and flood damage prevention regulations. The hearing will take place during its regular session, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. This may be the last time that […]

Boston Marathon story: A motorman’s job, a wife’s anguish
By Cynthia Prairie Sarah Ringquist-Paulicelli of Hanover, Mass., her four children and a nephew came to Chester last weekend for a nine-day visit with her mother, Sharon Baker, owner of the Country on the Common clothing store. Sarah’s husband, John, planned to join them for a two-night visit Monday evening, after work. But at 3:05 […]
Nursing scholarship available
Applications are being accepted for the 8th annual Eileen Austin Neal Nursing Scholarship of $1,000. This scholarship is open to any Springfield-area high school student who is planning a career in nursing and who has been accepted into a nursing program of study. Applicants will be judged on interest in and commitment to the field of nursing. Determination […]

It’s almost time to Green Up Chester!
Vermont’s Green Up Day is on Saturday, May 4th. The town of Chester and the Chester Conservation Committee support Green Up Day by coordinating the Green Up efforts, picking up large loads of trash and by putting a dumpster at the Town Garage. Volunteers are encouraged to green up roadways in their area anytime this […]
Prom clothes available at Thrift Shop
High school proms are just around the corner and the Thrift Shop at the Chester-Andover Family Center has both prom dresses and tuxedos in stock. While prom dresses are in stock, donations of more are welcomed, as are donations of children’s clothes. All clothing needs to be clean and in good condition. Also, be sure […]

Operation Christmas; Nature museum events; Windham Orchestra premier in Chester and more
A workshop to benefit Operation Christmas Child will be held in Willard Hall at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 313 Main St. in Chester, Friday, April 19, from 2 to 7 p.m. Toys, games and learning pieces will be created with glue and scissors and recycled objects to send to Operation Christmas Child. No special skills […]

Old time griddle cakes get a twist with ricotta and maple
By Jim Bailey I doubt if anyone remembers griddle cakes from generations ago and I doubt even further that you will find these delightful taste treats in any restaurant. And both are a shame. The precursor of pancakes of today, griddle cakes were simply very thin pancakes that were much crispier and more tender […]
Select Board meeting agenda for April 17
The Chester Select Board meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday April 17 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. 1. Approve March 12, 2013 special Select Board meeting minutes and April 3, 2013 Select Board meeting minutes 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Zoning Public Hearing 5. Library Repairs 6. Financial Updates General Fund Water & […]

Hearing April 17 for new zoning, development regulations
As part of its regular Wednesday April 17th meeting, the Chester Select Board will hold a hearing on the proposed “Unified Development Bylaws.” Formulated by the Chester Planning Commission, the bylaws, combine zoning regulations, subdivision regulations and flood hazard standards. The Planning Commission held a public hearing for comments on Aug. 20, 2012. Click here […]

4th public-private solar proposal aired; economic development plan suggested; Missing Link Bridge in question
By Shawn Cunningham During its April 3 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard from a fourth company proposing to put a solar farm on town land on Route 103N across from Trebo Road, discussed a four-page economic development plan for the town and considered not replacing Missing Link Bridge, this following 20 minutes of correcting […]

Teens step in to rebuild preschoolers’ damaged milk jug igloo
By Greg Hart Sports editor A milk jug igloo built for a class of preschoolers and torn apart within two days of its completion has been reconstructed by a group of teenagers, much to the delight of the little ones and their teachers. On Monday, April 1, Chester Community Preschool teacher assistant Kathleen Karl posted […]

Sugar house spark ignites hillside fire
Richard Root of Green Mountain Turnpike was just finishing up sugaring for the season, cleaning and rinsing his equipment around 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 7th, when he noticed smoke. The hillside adjacent to his sugar house had caught fire – due to a stray spark from his smokestack. According to Root, within 10 minutes, the […]

Nature vacation camps; St. Luke’s hosts Pampered Chef; Speckers to perform; and a talk on chestnut trees
Children’s vacation camps in Grafton The Nature Museum in Grafton is heading out into the woods and fields over April break with three one-day school vacation camps for children ages 3 to 12. On Tuesday, April 16, registered 6- to 8-year-olds will experience the water cycle and learn about conservation in “Water, Water Everywhere.” Wednesday, […]