Peanut butter mousse a delight for the kids, a treat for yourself
The Yankee Chef | May 15, 2013 | Comments 0
By Jim Bailey
Peanut butter and fluff! Gotcha!
Thought this was going to be our old childhood standby of a sandwich, didn’t you? I’m making peanut butter and fluff desserts this week simply because peanut butter and Fluff are the two items my kids will never say no to. By taking my favorite berry and combining it with my children’s favorite items, we are all happy. I think you may even find this dessert quite pleasing. Using crunchy peanut butter adds another texture, which I found very satiating.
Peanut butter mousse with blueberry-fluff topping

Peanut butter mousse
What a great dessert and not just for the kids. I devoured mine, while the kids hovered over theirs so I couldn’t get within 3 feet of them. Can’t blame them I must say.
1 cup powdered sugar
1 cup crunchy peanut butter
3 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
Blueberry-Fluff Topping, recipe below
In a bowl with a hand- or countertop mixer, beat sugar, peanut butter, cream cheese and vanilla until fluffy and creamy. Start on low speed the increase to high once sugar has been incorporated.
In a separate mixer, beat heavy cream, on high speed, until stiff peaks form. Fold a quarter of the whipped cream into the peanut better mixture until well blended. Fold in the remainder well. Cover and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours. Scoop out into individual serving plates and top with Blueberry-Fluff Topping. Wait 5 minutes before eating. Why? You will have to find out for yourself.
Fluff Topping
10 regular-sized marshmallows (or about 100 mini)
2 tablespoons blueberry pie filling
Put the marshmellows in a large bowl and microwave for 45 seconds. Remove and stir down: The marshmallows will have not only melted but risen as well. Stir in the blueberry filling well and set aside 2 minutes before spooning over the peanut butter mousse. Remember, wait 5 minutes before digging in!
Schiffer Books of Pennsylvania has released Jim Bailey’s new book The Yankee Chef: Feel Good Food for Every Kitchen. It contains more than 550 traditional New England comfort-food recipes tweaked for today’s palates with hundreds of kitchen tips and food facts. The hardback book is 312 pages and contains 200 color images. Its ISBN is 978-0-7643-4191-5 and the cost is $34.99. The book can be ordered through Misty Valley Books, 802-875-3400.
Filed Under: The Yankee Chef
About the Author: Jim Bailey is a third generation Yankee Chef, New England food historian and newspaper columnist. His first cookbook, simply titled The Yankee Chef, has been published. He welcomes all feedback, questions or comments at