GMUHS Prom Pix! Send in yours

Green Mountain Union High School’s 2013 Prom was held at the Roundhouse at Jackson Gore in Ludlow last Saturday night. The theme was The Great Gatsby, and the room was suitably decorated. The elegance of the prom was certainly reflected in the dresses, gowns, suits and tuxedos of the young men and young women in attendance. Click on any photo to launch the gallery. If you have prom photos you’d like to submit, email them to We’ll keep adding as they come in.

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  1. Lynda Patenaude says:

    Great prom pix! I’ve heard only good things about the committee and its adviser, Keith Hill. Lucky class to have a teacher so dedicated to making the prom decor beautiful. Anyone have photos of the queen and her court? We’d love to see them.

  2. Sue Pollard says:

    What a beautiful prom! The Roundhouse at Jackson Gore was so elegantly decorated. The Class of 2014 and their advisers are to be commended for a job very well done!