College student film captures childhood with help of local actors

Nine children and one adult from Chester are featured in a new, 23-minute film made by a crew of Keene State College seniors. The film, Childhood, I Love You, was screened Friday evening to a group of actors and their families at Green Mountain Union High. Click on any photo below to launch the gallery.
Paige Carusello, the producer and casting director, said the film was shot in Chester, Keene and Walpole during the winter months as a senior capstone project.
It consists of five short vignettes in which the filmmakers “remember and explore what it means to be a child, to love and to believe one, during a period when we begin learning about ourselves for the first time,” Carusello wrote in an email. The film takes a journey into the dreams and imaginations of five characters: Grace, Ella, Natalya, Cassandra and Ava.
The cast from Chester includes children Avery Prescott, Tristan Prescott, Eliza Burbela, Kyra Burbela, Bella Grizscenkow, Cassia Grizscenkow, Nadya Grizscenkow, Johnny Sawyer, Forest Garvin and Mitchell Rounds, and parent Margaret Grizscenkow.  You can find a copy of Childhood, I Love You at the Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester.



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