Archive for June, 2013

Noise levels, lot sizes continue to vex zoning reg process
By Karen Zuppinger The Chester Select Board continued its public review of the proposed Unified Development Bylaws (combining zoning, subdivision and flood prevention regulations) at its Wednesday, June 5th meeting. Although Article 4: Development Review Procedures was on the agenda, the board also chose to revisit the issues of minimum lots sizes and noise standards. […]

A sinking ship rises to the top at Alumni Day Parade
Chester’s annual Alumni Day Parade kicked off on Saturday morning under threatening skies that dissipated as the musicians, floats and vehicles kicked off and headed down Main Street. This year’s theme was The Movies, and the classes did not disappoint. First Place went to the Class of 1984 1983 for its sinking and floating rendition […]

A touch of Caesar crowns humble spud salad royally
By Jim Bailey This crazy weather has me grillin’ one day and baking another. It just so happens that on Friday, May 31, it was in the 90s and wicked humid. So guess what? It was too hot and humid to grill outside and too hot and humid to bake inside. So cold food […]

Bonnie’s Bundles celebrates 45 years; Cavendish calendar contest; Brattleboro music and Putney garden tour
Bonnie’s Bundles Dolls of 250 North St. in the Stone Village in Chester is celebrating 45 years of doll making with a series of events. The first will be held 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 15 and features three activities: wheat pasting images of the most popular dolls as a mural on the […]

Police log March 14 to May 6, 2013
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Thursday, March 14, 9:49 a.m. A woman was charged with petit larceny from a cash register at the Sunoco on Main Street. Sunday, March […]

TARPS fund-raiser at Pizza Stone; ballet recital; blood drive; cookbook author at Misty Valley; learn about ponds at Nature Museum; Whiting Summer Reading program and host families sought
The Pizza Stone will host a fundraiser for The Animal Rescue and Protection Society Chester’s animal shelter 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday, June 10. The restaurant, at 291 Pleasant St., will offer a special menu for the evening. Josh and Beth Adams from DV8 will perform their Southern outlaw country rock to entertain diners, and […]
Dollar General Act 250 appeal to be heard in September; solar projects abound in Rutland
The appeal by Chester residents of the District 2 Commission decision to give Zaremba Group an Act 250 land use permit to build a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store is scheduled to go before the Environmental Division of the Vermont Superior Court from Tuesday, Sept. 10 through Thursday, Sept. 12th. Judge Thomas Walsh will hear the […]

Hey kids! Add these books to your summer reading list
By John Hoover School’s out (or almost), so what are you going to do with all your free time this summer? You could sit inside and play video games – nothing wrong with that – but may we at Misty Valley Books make a suggestion? Find yourself a Good Read, one that you can take […]

A day to remember those who died in service
Chester observed Memorial Day on the traditional “Decoration Day” of May 30th with a parade, prayers, gun salutes, speeches, wreath layings and other ceremonies. The day was warm and sunny as bands from Chester-Andover Elementary and Green Mountain Union High schools played and marched from the North Street Cemetery to the Brook Side Cemetery and […]

Hot or cold, this sweet pepper gazpacho will delight
By Jim Bailey This cold soup is just as delicious when you omit the ricotta and add 2 cups light or heavy cream and gently warm it over low heat, topped with a few flavored croutons. Gazpacho is traditionally made never touching heat. A variety of vegetables are chopped then processed in a blender […]

Alumni roll into town for weekend of golf, parties, parade and more
By Karen Zuppinger The Chester High School/Green Mountain Union High School Alumni Association kicks of its annual alumni weekend celebration on the morning of Friday June 7 with a golf tournament at Tater Hill Golf Club on Popple Dungeon Road. “This is one of our most popular events,” says association President Karl Lauren. “We often […]
Development Review Board agenda for June 10
The Chester Development Review Board meets Monday, June 10 beginning at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is the agenda for that evening. 1) Review minutes from May 13th 2) Final Plat Review of a Minor Sub-Division by Prusak-Estes on Dean Brook Rd 3) Comments from citizens 4) Deliberative session to review […]