Archive for October, 2013

Chester Select Board says ‘it’s curtains’ for solar farm on town land
By Shawn Cunningham After a year of gathering information and deliberating, the Chester Select Board last Wednesday closed the door on the construction of a solar farm on town land across Route 103 North from Trebo Road. Earlier, at its Oct. 9 meeting, the board had expected to hear from the Luke Schullenberger – […]

3rd annual Rotary Cabaret a singular sensation
A s dinner winds down, the spotlight comes up and the third annual Chester Rotary Cabaret is under way. Students from Green Mountain Union High School’s drama and music departments entertained an enthusiastic crowd of diners on Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Newsbank Conference Center. The performances were proceeded by a dinner prepared by […]

Rotary honors Cheslock; new name for Gallery 103; new assistant at VCW
Gallery 103 now 103 Artisans Marketplace After eight years, Gallery 103 in Chester has a new name and a new sign. Owners Elise and Payne Junker decided to change the name to 103 Artisans Marketplace because “we felt it better reflected what we are offering in the store now,” says Elise Junker. She adds […]

The working man’s country club celebrates its 90th
By Gary Band Area residents have known about it for years. And if you’ve driven Route 103, you’ve likely noticed the large oval sign in green, black and white standing in the clearing across from the Vermont Country Store in Rockingham. Yet it still classifies as one of Vermont’s best-kept secrets. Welcome to the […]

Get ready for a winter chill with warm fried apple rings
By Jim Bailey I‘m not ashamed to toot my own horn, especially when this time of year brings out the cook in all of us. My cookbook, The Yankee Chef, is absolutely perfect during this time of year and for the next few months. After all, comfort food and the New England fireside are […]

Drywells, flooded street: Mountain View residents seek solutions
By Karen Zuppinger When Suzanne Waldren-Munukka and her husband David bought their home eight years ago in Chester’s Mountain View community, they noticed the roadside drain at the corner of Mountain View and Cross roads, right next to their corner home. They thought nothing of it. After all, the home has town water and sewer, […]
Development Review Board Agenda for Monday, Oct. 28, 2013
The Chester Development Review Board will meet on Monday, Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. It will first hold a site visit at 5:15 p.m. at 1126 VT. Rt. 103 North. Here is its agenda: Review minutes from Oct. 14th hearing Re-convened Preliminary Plat Review of Kathy Sarnes Final […]

Festivals, foliage and a fond farewell from former Message editor Gary Band
From the editor: Former Message editor Gary Band asked The Chester Telegraph to run this column, knowing that he might not get the opportunity to say farewell to the many people who have touched his life since he first came into the area almost two years ago. We believe everyone deserves a voice, and we […]

Preserving the past in jelly jars
By Jim Bailey There isn’t really anything remarkable about today’s recipes, other than that every once in a while I enjoy “puttin’ up.” Our grandparents wouldn’t have thought of buying premade jams, jellies or preserves, especially when homemade is so much better. So I took two of my favorite, not your run-of-the-mill, recipes for […]
Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013
The Weston Select Board meets at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 at the Wilder Memorial Library, 24 Lawrence Hill Road, during renovations of the Weston Town Hall. Here’s its agenda. 1. Public Comment. 2. Fothergill, Segale and Valley – Management Letter signing. 3. Planning Commission: Openings: 1 Regular position and 1 Alternate position 4. […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23 for its bimonthly meeting. Last week’s meeting had been canceled. The meeting will be held at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is the Select Board’s agenda. Approve minutes from Oct. 2, 2013 Select Board meeting and executive session Citizen Comments […]

SoVera observatory up and running on private land
By Shawn Cunningham Ron Jackson was in good spirits despite the heavy cloud cover as he rolled back the roof on his “new” observatory on a hill in Gassetts. There wouldn’t be any stars visible, so he trained his Celestron “orange tube” Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope on a pine tree several hundred feet away and invited a […]

A summer inspiration: Yankee fettuccine and mussels
By Jim Bailey My inspiration for this dish comes from summertime fare, healthy thinking and the Italian favorite known as carbonara. I wanted the flavor of carbonara, with the Yankee twist, and the smell and taste of the rocky shoreline that we in New England enjoy, as do my beloved Italian friends and chefs. […]
Chester Select Board meeting for Oct. 16 canceled
The Select Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. has been canceled. Regular meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at Town Hall, 556 Elm St.

GMUHS’s O’Neil named VT counselor of year; Chester Dems elect new officers; Aegis Wind expands
Pam O’Neil, guidance director for Green Mountain Union High and counselor for grades 10, 11 and 12, has been named the 2013 recipient of the James F. Cawley Award as the Outstanding Vermont School Counselor of the Year by the Vermont School Counselor Association. The VSCA is a statewide organization that, according to its website, […]

Solar contract decision still hanging; VAST gets OK for trail through town forest
The Chester Select Board last Wednesday expected a presentation from Green Lantern Capital regarding financial details of its proposed solar farm on town land on Route 103 at Trebo Road. But Luke Schullenberger, the company’s founder and managing partner, was taken ill. Instead, Mike Wigham of Integrated Solar, which would be contracted to build the […]

With an artist’s eye: A close look at the Biker Tattoo and tattoos
Iron Adventure Run Tattoo In the military, a tattoo can be any display or show, a parade. In everyday life, a tattoo is a design inked on skin. On Saturday, Aug. 24, Chester played host to the Iron Adventure Run Tattoo, which saw hundreds of motorcyclists and their rides roll into town. At the same […]

Ushering in winter with New England apples in snow
By Jim Bailey In one sense, it seems as though we just finished winter. But in another, winter’s snow seems to have been many, many months ago. So with the crisp air abounding and the prelude of winter being played, I thought I might bring some ‘snow’ in as the refrain. I would highly […]
Chester Development Review Board meeting for Monday, Oct. 14, 2013
The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14, 2013 for a site visit at Goldthwaite Road. It will then proceed to Town Hall, 556 Elm St., for its regular 6 p.m. meeting. Below is the agenda. 5 p.m. Site visit Goldthwaite Road (see markers on left side of road heading NW […]

Police Log for May 10 through Sept. 13, 2013
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, May 10, 2:22 p.m. An officer responded to North Street where a turkey injured by a car was flopping around on the edge […]