To the editor: Londonderry Parks Board thanks all for Valentine’s Pingree Park fund-raiser
The Chester Telegraph | Feb 25, 2014 | Comments 0

Dr. T and the Versatiles performed at a Valentine’s Dance fund-raiser for Pingree Park. Photos provided
The Londonderry Parks Board would like to thank the community for its support of the Valentine’s Day Dance at Magic Mountain. An excellent crowd came to hear a great band and win some fantastic prizes. The dance was a smashing success and helped raise an additional $1,030 for the Pingree Park Revitalization Project.
The Parks Board would like to thank the band, Dr. T and the Versatiles, for its awesome performance and for supporting our community.
Many thanks also to all of the individuals and business who donated to the event: Magic Mountain,

Dr. T and the Versatiles.
Sandra Clark, Green Mountain Pharmacy, Robin and Tony Kurjiaka, Maple Leaf Diner, Clarks IGA, Eagle’s Nest Tavern @ Swiss Inn, Londonderry Hardware, Grape Connection, Wayne’s Auto, Felicity Haselton, Alexander’s Tae Kwon Do, The Stove Depot, Main Street Hare — Doni, Main Street Hare — Gail, Joan Newman, Claudia DeKany, Manchester Sports, Peabody Mountain Apiaries, Johnny Seesaws, Sudzy Pup, The Pantry, Kramer Plumbing and Heating, Bondville Bloomist, Wendy Arace, Jake’s Café, Stephen Twitchell, Londonderry Coiffures — Jen Ciccone, The Mill, Harts All Season Maintenance, Ana Kelly, Jelley’s Deli, Lisa Sicotte, Dancing Hands Creations and Mountain Lake Creations. Your participation made all the difference!
The Parks Board is moving ahead with plans for a community build of the new playground at Pingree Park. As long as Mother Nature cooperates, we plan on having the new playground equipment delivered on Thursday, May 29 and installed Friday and Saturday, May 30 and 31. We will be looking for volunteer labor and tools to help on Friday and Saturday. Save the date and lend a hand. We are also moving ahead with plans for a Second Annual Family Fun Day on August 17th, which will be a celebration of the new and improved park facility.
The Londonderry Parks Board
Londonderry, VT
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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