Archive for March, 2014
To the editor: Thanks to community for supporting GMUHS budget
I am writing this open letter to the community to thank you for your support of our school budget. Your continued support of our fine community school is commendable. It makes me proud to be entrusted with so important a task as educating the children of our great democracy. On the importance of an education […]
Chester Police Log for Dec. 13, 2013 through Feb. 26, 2014
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Friday, Dec. 13, 2013, 1:11 p.m A teenager called police to report that someone had hacked her Facebook account, changed its password and posted […]

A little tweak updates the classic New England creamed cod
By Jim Bailey C od has been a New England staple since time immemorial, having been enjoyed by native Americans and expounded upon by the influx of Europeans. Creamed cod is an age-old recipe that deserves to be just subtly Yanked. I think you will find this recipe a perfect example of leaving well […]

School budget issues pass; two write-ins take school posts; incumbents re-elected in Chester
By Cynthia Prairie With 402 Chester residents voting on Tuesday, all the school budget items passed and every incumbent seeking re-election was returned to office. The River Valley Technical Center budget issue was approved 307 yes to 92 no. With votes of both Chester and Andover co-mingled, the Chester-Andover Elementary School budget passed 307 […]
Chester Select Board meeting for Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda: Select Board organization following the election Approval of the minutes of the Feb. 19, 2014 Select Board meeting Old businesses Citizens’ comments Liquor license renewals: Stone Hearth Inn, Lisai’s Chester Market, […]
Chester Development Review Board meeting for March 10, 2014
The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, March 10 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. 1) Review minutes from the Feb. 24 meeting 2) Dalio Boundary Line Adjustment hearing 3) Comments from citizens 4) Deliberative session to review the above and previous matters

Chester voters OK all articles: Whiting Library issue creates a ruckus
By Cynthia Prairie Chester Town Meeting was quickly thrown a curveball on Monday night when Select Board chair John DeBenedetti sought to amend an article to give the Select Board authority over how and if money for repair and rehabilitation of the Whiting Library is spent, stunning members of Whiting’s board of trustees and […]

Fit for the hall of fame: Peanut butter and banana chip cookies
By Jim Bailey W e all know Elvis adored his peanut butter and banana sandwiches but I bet you never had a cookie Yanked from his sandwich, have you? You have the smoothness of the peanut butter with the guilt-free crunch of banana chips baked together to treat your children after school. Better […]

My Andover Town Meeting
By Sandy Stiassni I remember Andover Town Meeting well, from my long-ago childhood. Now 58 years old, I last attended Town Meeting in March 1961. My grandparents Ernst and Margaret Stiassni owned Hill Top Farm in Andover. Located on a rugged land assembly of rolling hills, pastures and valleys, it had been discovered by […]

Large, agreeable turnout for Andover Town Meeting; budget, elections are unanimous
By Madeline Bodin A lot of discussion, but not much disagreement dominated the Andover Town Meeting on Saturday, March 1. None of the elections was contested and all votes were unanimous. Andover Town Hall remained chilly, and most of the approximately 60 participants kept their coats on throughout the meeting. Moderator Jon Bliss opened […]
To the editor: Please help preserve Chester
The charming village of Chester, VT, is fighting an invasive attack from a powerful corporation. A proposed Dollar General store at the gateway to our village historic district will destroy the character of the town. Please join the fight by making a tax deductible donation earmarked for Chester, to Vermont Preservation Trust at its website: […]

For March, a bevy of books rich in Irish tradition
By John Hoover Faith and begorrah! T’is the time for the wearing of the green and we here at Misty Valley Books are all ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Our Good Reads recommendations this month all have something to do with the Emerald Isle either taking place there or dealing with the Irish […]