To the editor: Chester Andover community meal open to all

I am writing to share exciting news about the response to my letter you printed in January, where I presented a proposal to start a free community meal in our two towns.
At the first meal in February, the attendees decided to serve a monthly meal, to be held at a rotation of locations. The food, provided by volunteers, tries to meet all dietary needs: vegetarian, vegan and gluten free foods are offered each time. There is no charge for the meals, but any donations will be used to purchase staples and supplies.
As mentioned in my original letter, all members of the community are invited to come share in these meals.
Please come enjoy our next Chester Andover Community Meal to be held at noon on April 26 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Parish Hall on Main Street in Chester.
Feel free to call me at 875-3889 if you have any questions, or if you would like to volunteer to provide part of the meal.

Edie Brown

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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