Ladd Scholarship fund-raising pulls in more than $17,000
Cynthia Prairie | Apr 08, 2014 | Comments 1

Fullerton Inn owner Nancy Rugg greets guests with wine and a smile. Photos by Shawn Cunningham.
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By Cynthia Prairie
M ore than 100 people turned out Saturday night at the Fullerton Inn to celebrate the legacy of learning created by the late Andy and Heidi Ladd and to raise money for scholarships for graduates of Green Mountain Union High School who are seeking a college degree.
The total raised — from the silent and live auction, raffles and straight out donations before, during and after the event — amounted to $17,519, according to Chester Rotarian Malcolm Summers, who helped organize the occasion and manned the ticket sales and auction awards table with his wife Ann.
While this was the first year for the scholarship to bear Heidi Ladd’s name, the Ladd Scholarship is now in its sixth year.
The scholarship was initially named to honor the late Andy Ladd, who built a successful construction business despite not going to college. Soon after Heidi Ladd’s unexpected death in February of this year, her name took its place beside that of her late husband in the newly re-christened Andy and Heidi Ladd Scholarship Fund. The fund was created by the family and Chester Rotary to honor long-time Rotarian
Andy Ladd, who died in 2008 at the age of 58. Heidi Ladd was 65. A celebration of Heidi’s life was held earlier in the day for her family and many friends.
According to Summers, preliminary figures indicate that $8,679 was raised from the silent and live auctions, $740 was raised from the raffles and $8,100 came in from donations.
Two more donations arrived on Monday, making the total higher, he added. Money raised will now be deposited into a segregated fund that is managed by five scholarship board members: Lily Ladd, who is the second oldest of the Ladds’ five children, Jeff Ladd, a Rotarian and Andy Ladd’s brother, and Rotarians Bill Dakin, Nancy Davis and Ron Theissen, who is president of Chester Rotary.
Said Malcolm Summers, “The event was a splendid success, with all the right ingredients, fun and laughter, which Heidi would have wanted, coupled with incredible generous warm hearted attendees.” He added that a number of first-time attendees enjoyed themselves so much they want to make sure they are invited to next year’s event.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • Featured
About the Author: Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.
So pleased to see the town supporting the Chester Rotary and the Ladds Scholarship Fund. Andy was such a proud Rotarian that this is a worthy memento to him. Heidi continued Andy’s work with the Rotary after he died with her full energy and amazing strength. Both will be missed immensely and a large void has been left in their wake. Let’s hope a few people, because it will take quite a few people, will step up, join Rotary and continue their unfinished work for the people of Chester. Honor the Ladds by donating a few hours of your time for your neighbors.