To the editor: Thanks to all for a very successful Ladd Scholarship fund drive
The Chester Telegraph | Apr 08, 2014 | Comments 0
Congratulations to the Andy and Heidi Ladd Scholarship Fund committee for doing such a grand job of organizing and executing a very complex event held at the Fullerton Inn last Saturday evening.
Special thanks go to Ann and Malcolm Summers, Carol and Townsend Gilbert, Nancy and Bret Rugg and, of course, the members of the Ladd family. (I hope I didn’t leave anyone out ). I also want to thank all the Rotarians who worked on the event, and the many community members and businesses who supported the event in so many ways. And finally, to all those generous people who contributed money to the scholarship fund.
My understanding is that records were broken in the fundraising effort that will assure a nice start to an endowment fund for local scholarships in the future. That’s what it is all about.
Again, thank you all very much.
Ronald Theissen, CPA, CFP
Rotary Club of Chester Vermont
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