Archive for June, 2014

Hot summer fare runs from mystery to romance, extraordinary writing to easy reading
By John Hoover Although there always seems to be a lot that needs to get done during Vermont’s all too short summer, life also seems to move at a slightly slower pace. If you’re like me, you often find yourself putting off something that needs doing in order to spend time at the lake or […]
GMUHS Honor Roll for 4th Quarter, 2014
Green Mountain Union High School has announced its Honor Roll for the 4th Quarter of the 2013-2014 school year. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-. (There must be an A+, A, or A- to offset the one grade of a C+, C or C-). […]

Powerful performances elevate ‘Analog and Vinyl’
By David Lampe-Wilson Weston Playhouse kicks off its 78th season with the world premiere of the musical Analog and Vinyl, a meet-cute love story with a dash of demonic doings. And while there is much to recommend it, this new musical plays less like a finished work and more like an upscale workshop. The show’s […]
Chester Economic Development Corporation agenda for July 2, 2014
The Chester Economic Development Corp. will meet at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 2 at Misty Valley Books, on the Green in Chester. Below is its agenda 1. Meeting to order 2. Approve minutes of June meeting 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Review Economic and Business Activities in the Town of Chester Town Development Bylaws WiFi […]
Chester Select Board agenda for July 2, 2014
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Part of the meeting will including a zoning regulations public hearing as well as a discussion on the USDA grant to the Whiting Library. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve minutes from June 18, 2014 […]

Bring on the summer with an unusual seafood salad
By Jim Bailey © The Yankee Chef 2014 This is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to a salad preparation using either octopus or squid. The taste of octopus is so mild that at times the flavor is lost with more assertive “co-ingredients.” Not the case here folks! If I were to […]

Whiting Library gets $99,800 in USDA grants and loans for repairs, restoration
By Karen Zuppinger Chester’s Whiting Library has been awarded $99,800 in grants and loans from the U.S. Department of Agricultural Rural Development. The award, with $340,000 to several other towns and municipalities throughout Vermont, was announced Monday, June 23 at the library by Ted Brady, regional director of USDA RD for Vermont and New Hampshire. […]

New water rates pass in Chester as infrastructure problems are highlighted
By Shawn Cunningham After more than six months of discussing the dire need to increase water rates to bring the Water and Sewer Department into the black, the Chester Select Board at its Wednesday, June 18 meeting suddenly – and with relatively little discussion – voted to adopt a new rate schedule for delivering water […]

Flood Brook’s new playground opens for fun
On Monday, June 16 the Mountain Towns communities of Londonderry, Weston, Landgrove and Peru gathered at Flood Brook School to officially open its new playground. The opening ceremony was led by Principal Neal McIntyre, with members of the playground committee officially cutting the ribbon. This project has been a multi-year effort planned by the Playground […]

GMUHS graduates 58 under summer-eve skies
By Cynthia Prairie Fifty-eight students graduated from Green Mountain Union High School on Friday, June 20, under dazzling summer-eve skies. Most are headed to college, while several already have full-time jobs and careers lined up. (Photo gallery is below) Salutatorian Rachel Martel urged her fellow grads to pursue the unknown. “In this new beginning,” she […]

New play equipment installed at Pingree Park; fun fund-raising continues for more work
As of Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15, the new playground at Pingree Park in Londonderry is finished and open for fun. After a year of planning and fund-raising there are new swings, a crawl tube, a bouncy seesaw and a climbing structure with slides. The equipment is appropriate for ages 2 to 12 and includes […]

Net Zero of Chester partners to bring AllSun Trackers to S. VT; SBA honors six small businesses
A dealer partnership between installer Net Zero Renewable Resources LLC of Chester and Williston, VT-based solar tracker manufacturer AllEarth Renewables has been announced that will bring the Vermont-made AllSun Tracker solar systems to southern Vermont. AllSun Trackers use innovative GPS and wireless technology to follow the sun throughout the day to boost solar energy production […]

Asian noodle dish perfect with any protein
By Jim Bailey Enjoy this recipe using chicken, steak, seafood or simply a variety of cooked vegetables. As for the pasta used, this is entirely up to you. I have often used just plain cooked spaghetti, fettuccine, angel hair or even chow mein noodles. There is a slight difference between lo mein noodles and […]

Card Shower for Humes as they celebrate 60 years of marriage
Barbara “Bobbie” and David Hume, formerly of Andover, VT, are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday, June 26. Help their family honor this amazing milestone by participating in a Card Shower. If you would like to participate, please send a card with your congratulations or other thoughts to: Mr. and Mrs. David S. […]

Undefeated Lady Chiefs fall short in championship
By Greg Hart Green Mountain’s Lady Chiefs softball team took its undefeated record into the Vermont state finals, coming up just short in a tough fought 6-3 loss to Richford in the Division III championship game held in Poultney on Saturday, June 14. In spite of championship game jitters as well as the pressure and […]

Justice Center to ‘move forward’ on transitional housing in Chester
ONE THE COVER:Chester residents packed a meeting of the board of the Springfield Restorative Justice Center. From left, Chester Select Board member Bill Lindsay, Chester resident Tom Hildreth, third from left, and standing, Select Board member Derek Suursoo, Chester resident Ron Patch and Chester Select Board member John DeBenedetti. By Cynthia Prairie At 6 p.m., […]

To the editor: Family Center grateful for landscaping work, dollar and food donations
The Chester-Andover Family Center would like to thank a number of individuals and organizations for their recent help with landscaping and donations of food and money. Thanks go to the Springfield Garden Club, Green Mountain Union High School students and Family Center volunteers for help sprucing up the outside of the Family Center. Thanks to […]

Johnnycake salad with sausage dressing will satisfy meat-lovers
By Jim Bailey Want an easy and flavorful salad this grilling season or any time of year? This Yankee inspired salad is a great entrée as well, but especially suited to prevent you from returning over and over again to the grill-master for another burger. 1 box (8.5 ounce) corn muffin or corn […]

Spater Scholarship Fund awards $12,000 to eight students
A total of $12,000 from the Tom Spater Scholarship Fund has been awarded this year to eight area students who are graduating or have graduated from Green Mountain Union High School and are pursuing college degrees. The scholarships recognize their academic achievements, excellence in athletics and the arts, community service a clear demonstration of leadership […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Chester Select Board will meet for its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 18 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve minutes from the May 21, 2014 Select Board meeting and June 4, 2014 Select Board meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. DRB Appointments […]