Political forums to be held Thursday in Proctorsville, Ludlow
Press release | Oct 20, 2014 | Comments 0
Informational meeting, debate for Cavendish voters
The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will hold an informational meeting and debate for Cavendish voters at 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 23 at the Cavendish Town Elementary School at 573 Main St. in Proctorsville.
Since only one local office is contested this year, the evening will focus on the race for representative representing the towns of Cavendish and Weathersfield in the state legislature. There are two candidates: Stuart Lindberg, an Independent, and the incumbent, Mark Huntley, a Democrat. Both are from Cavendish. Candidates will address the voters and debate the issues in a moderated debate.
The meeting is open to all Cavendish and Weathersfield citizens and residents. Those unable to attend may view the debate rebroadcast on cable at LPC-TV or access the session on www.lpctv.org during the days leading up to the election. For more information, call Will Hunter at 603-261-1841 or Peter LaBelle at 802-376-5648.
Windsor County candidates forum in Ludlow
Friends of Ludlow Auditorium announces its sponsorship of a Candidates Forum at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 23 at the Ludlow Town Hall Auditorium, 37 S. Depot St., in Ludlow. The forum will feature candidates for the Windsor County Senate seats in Montpelier as well as the Rutland-Windsor (RW-2) seat in the House. Ralph Pace will moderate.

From left, Dick McCormack (D), John Campbell (D) and Dennis Devereux (R) are among the candidates to speak at FOLA forum.
The forum will consist of questions addressed to the candidates by the moderator regarding state and regional issues. Questions from the audience will follow.
All three candidates seeking the Windsor County Senate seats have agreed to participate in the forum. They are: John Campbell, Dick McCormack, and Alice Nitka, all Democrats.
Dennis Devereux, Republican, seeking reelection to the Rutland-Windsor House seat, has agreed to participate in the forum. The RW2 district covers Ludow, Mount Holly and Shrewsbury.
Two candidates seeking the Cavendish-Weatherfield House seat will appear as well. Mark Huntley, Democrat and incumbent, will participate along with Stu Lindberg, an Independent.
For further information, 802-228-7239 or www.fola.us.
— Compiled by Susan Lampe-Wilson
Filed Under: Latest News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.