Archive for October, 2014
Special Select Board meeting on Open Meeting Law
The Chester Select Board has called a special meeting to hear a presentation from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns on the state’s Open Meeting Law. It will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at the Newsbank Conference Center, 397 Main St. in Chester. The presentation will be followed by a […]

Automotive section of Chester zoning changes to go to referendum
Chester Town Clerk Deborah Aldrich said the town has certified the signatures of 148 voters on a petition submitted on Tuesday, Oct. 7 asking for a town-wide vote on the question of whether to add automotive sales, service and fuel sales to the Residential/Commercial district of Chester. That district runs from the St. Joseph’s Catholic […]

Sawdust christens Chester Festival Grounds as carving event creates a Big Buzz
By Cynthia Prairie ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 The sawdust flew under bright blue skies as the Big Buzz Chainsaw Carving Festival christened the new Chester Fairgrounds this past week. About 40 carvers from as far away as Germany traveled to Chester for the weeklong event, which culminated in a busy Columbus Day weekend of […]

Seven join Green Mountain Union High staff
Green Mountain Union High School has hired three new classroom teachers and four support personnel for the current school year. They are Keighan Chapman, librarian; Brad Houk, social studies teacher; Anne Morton, administrative assistant to Principal Tom Ferenc; Shannon Parker, guidance secretary; Jason Rickles, English teacher; Cortney Donohue Slobodnjak, student assistance program coordinator; and Janet […]
SBA extends small-loan fee waiver
The Small Business Administration is extending the fee waiver for 7(a) loans of $150,000 or less for fiscal year 2015. The fee waiver program, which was implemented on Oct. 1, 2013 and scheduled to last 12 months, has been extended to Sept. 30, 2015. “We zeroed out fees on loans of less than $150,000 to […]

Turn off the TV, share some apple gingerbread and talk
By Jim Bailey T his is, by far, the best gingerbread recipe you will taste. The extra scent and taste of molasses combined with the hint of apple and cloves will bring you to a time when the family gathered and shut off the television to simply talk. A comforting classic can actually bring […]
To the editor: Feed & Feedback as Efficiency Vermont community forums seek input
Efficiency Vermont was created in the year 2000 to help Vermont homes and businesses reduce their use of electricity. At a larger level, we work in partnership with all of Vermont’s traditional utilities to help reduce strain on the electric system, and defer the need for expensive investments in new power plants and transmission lines. […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014
The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Budget Review; General Fund, Water & Sewer 2. Approve minutes from the Oct. 1, 2014 Selectboard Meeting and Oct. 1, 2014 Executive Session 3. Citizen Comments 4. Response […]
Weston Select Board agenda for Tueday, Nov. 14, 2014
The Weston Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14. The meeting will be held at Town Office, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Road Foreman: Furnace; Bridge #10 Joints 4. Stone Wall Project 5. Library Chimney […]
To the editor: Wilder Library seeks patrons’ feedback
I want to draw our community’s attention to an important opportunity. Throughout October, the Wilder Memorial Library will be conducting a survey to better understand how our community benefits from free access to computers and the Internet at the library. This information will help the library improve its technology services and communicate the value of […]
This weekend’s ‘buzz’
The Big Buzz is under way. The annual chainsaw carving event started five years ago by Chester carver Barre Pinkse has grown to 40 carvers who work their craft right in front of the crowd. With carvers coming from as far away as Germany and Sweden, the festival has become international. Many bring finished items […]
Chester residents petition to put zoning change to a vote
©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 A group of Chester residents who oppose a change in zoning regulations adopted by the Select Board on Sept. 17 filed a petition on Tuesday, Oct. 7, requesting that the town of Chester hold a vote to decide whether that change should be removed from the new Unified Development Bylaws. […]

Chamber bandies local option tax for regional marketing
By Shawn Cunningham ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 The head of the Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce has approached the Chester and Ludlow town managers asking for their thoughts on a local option tax, saying that it could be used to market the area and hinting that the money would go to the chamber. […]

Chester board eyes shortfall, ‘edging’ toward balance
By Shawn Cunningham ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 Entering the last quarter of the year and with budgeting ahead, the Chester Select Board’s attention at its Oct. 1 meeting was focused on money. With the collection of taxes and water and sewer bills lagging, storm expense awaiting reimbursement and the underpayment of the emergency services […]
Grafton Rescue sponsors emergency responder course
Grafton Rescue will sponsor an Emergency Medical Responder course held at the Grafton Fire Station at 711 Route 121 east, Grafton, every Tuesday night from Tuesday, Oct. 14 through Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The class will run from 6 to 9 p.m. EMR is the entry-level certification in EMS and will enable participants to volunteer […]
Craftswoman Lester blends love of crocheting and tea
Joan Lester was chosen as River Artisans’ Artist for the Month of October. Lester’s love of all things crafty began at the age of 4 when a neighbor taught her how to make shoes for her dolls out of ribbons. This sparked her lifelong passion for learning about, teaching and creating handcrafted items. Originally from […]

Simple apple coffee cake warms the autumn chill
By Jim Bailey T his recipe is simple, inexpensive and, by far, the most extraordinary apple cake you will ever have. I purposely made the cake slightly less sweet than ordinary “coffee cake”-like desserts, because I wanted the apple to shine through, and it certainly won’t let you down. Use your favorite sweet, hard […]

Chester Police Log for May 27 to Sept. 28, 2014
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Tuesday, May 27, 4:49 p.m. A resident of downtown Chester reported that his apartment door had been forced open and a burglar had taken […]