VT Ed Secretary Holcombe tours Green Mountain High

Vermont Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe visited Green Mountain Union High School on Thursday, Nov. 20 after receiving an invitation from librarian Keighan Chapman.

Alecia Rokes, Brian Hennel Rebecca Holcombe

From left, students Alecia Rokes and Brian Hennel speak with state Education Secretary Rebecca Holcombe. Photos courtesy Green Mountain Union High School. Click photo to launch gallery.

She began her visit with a tour of the school led by students Alecia Rokes and Brian Hennel. Holcombe also spoke with students Sadie Wood, Samantha Chase, Ben Reilly and Tucker Wunderle to learn about their experiences at GMUHS.

American Lit. teacher Jason Rickles walked Holcombe through a mapping project that his class was working on. shared a maps project with Holcombe. His students had  read Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer book about Chris McCandless, who went on a hiking trip in Alaska and died of starvation 100 days into the trek. The class created a

Keighan Chapman, left, teacher Jason Rickles and Secretary Holcombe look at the mapping project.

Librarian Keighan Chapman, left, teacher Jason Rickles and Secretary Holcombe look at the mapping project.

Google map that traces the development of McCandless’s state of mind as he journied across the country, eventually ending at Bus 142 in Alaska, where his body was found.

For each stop on his journey, students marked the spot on the Google map, then added three elements that they gathered from the text and from the Internet. These elements included a quote from the chapter outlining the physical description of the place, a quote shedding light on McCandless at that point and an image related to the place.

Librarian Jeanie Phillips finished up Holcombe’s visit with a tour of the Library Learning Commons.

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