Chester-Andover Dems to hold annual fuel fund, food fundraiser; free health workshops start in 2015

State Rep. Leigh Dakin and former  Rep. Kathy Pellett announce that the Chester and Andover Democrats will hold their annual fuel assistance fundraiser from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 15  at Baba a Louis Bakery, 92 VT Route 11 in Chester. Since its inception in 2005, the group has raised more than $17,000 for fuel assistance for local residents. Last year’s event alone raised approximately $2,500, which was given to the Chester-Andover Family Center to be distributed to local residents who needed help keeping their homes warm during the cold winter months.

Those attending the event are asked to bring a donation of non-perishable foods and/or a financial contribution for fuel assistance.

Beginning in November of last year, every household receiving food assistance saw their benefits cut, so more and more Vermonters turned to their local food pantries to put food on their tables. “We’re not sure what the funding outlook is for this year for 3SquaresVT or heating fuel assistance, but we want to be sure that those in our community who have a need know that they can get help through the local community service organization,” they said. “As we’ve done in the past, all proceeds from our fund-raiser, whether it’s money for fuel or donations of food items, will be given to the Chester-Andover Family Center.”

Almost 32 percent of Vermonters cannot afford either enough food or enough nutritious food and depend on food shelves each month. What this means in real life is that some adults will go without a daily meal to ensure that their children have enough, or the meals they are able to provide often do not contain any protein or vegetables and might not be sufficiently nutritious.

All are invited to this annual holiday fuel and food fundraiser at Baba a Louis for an evening of good conversation, refreshments and holiday cheer.  For more information, contact Kathy Pellett at 802-875-1372 or Leigh Dakin at 202-875-3456. If you are unable to attend but wish to make a contribution, please make checks payable to Food & Fuel Assistance Fund and send to Rep. Leigh Dakin, c/o Dakin and Benelli, P.O. Box 499, Chester, VT 05143.

Free health, wellness classes to start new year right

Begin the New Year by making plans for healthier lifestyle choices. Springfield Medical Care Systems is offering the following health and wellness classes to help you live a healthier life.

 Wellness/Lifestyle-Change support: A monthly check-in with a certified health coach

From 5:45–7 p.m. on Jan. 16, Feb. 10, March 10
Springfield Medical Care Systems, 100 River St., in Springfield

Use knowledge you have gained from other programs and experiences and continue to be successful. This monthly class features topics from nutrition and cooking to fitness and stress management. At each class you will be offered an optional weigh in or measurements, discuss previous goal successes, gain new knowledge toward a healthier you, and set goals to work on for the next month. Take wellness into your own hands with the support of others.

Learning to Live Well with Diabetes—A Four-Week Series

From 3:30– 5 p.m. on Jan. 19, Jan. 26, Feb. 2nd and Feb. 9
Rockingham Medical Group, 1 Hospital Court, Bellows Falls

Led by a certified diabetes educator, this four-week series about diabetes is an opportunity for individuals newly diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes to learn about the best strategies to manage it successfully. This program also serves as a refresher for those that have been previously diagnosed with diabetes. The class will cover all of the comprehensive areas of diabetes education, including, the definition of diabetes/pre-diabetes, introduction to and use of goal setting and action planning, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, monitoring of blood sugar, medications and preventing risk of complications.

Healthy Shopping and Cooking on a Budget—A Two-Part Series

• Grocery Tour: 6:45–8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at Shaw’s Supermarket in the Springfield Plaza, 2 Chester Road, Springfield
• Cooking Class: 6:30– 8 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 27, Springfield Health Center, 100 River St. in Springfield

This two-part series offers simple suggestions and tips to buying and preparing a go-to kitchen for making wholesome meals without breaking the bank. The first session is a tour of the Shaw’s Supermarket in the Springfield Plaza. Learn tips and tricks to buying healthy foods on a budget. The second session is designed to help families incorporate fresh ingredients into meals that also taste good. The class will prepare a child-friendly meal that supports good nutrition.

There is no charge for these programs but registration is required. Contact the Community Health Team for more information or to register by calling 802-886-8946, or email

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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