Weston Select Board agenda for Tuesday, Dec. 23

The Weston Select Board will hold its regular meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda.

1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda;
2. Public Comment;
3. Variable Rate Pricing Ordinance: See below;
4. SO #29 Payroll, SO #29 Vendors;
5. Review & Approve Minutes;
6. Committee Reports;
7. Budget & Comparison;
8. New & Old Business;
9. Miscellaneous;
10. Adjourn.

Town of Weston, Vermont

Ordinance Requiring Variable rate pricing

Whereas, the (Town of Weston) has by virtue of the authority granted in 24 V.S.A. § 1971 (Title 24, Chapter 59, Section 1971) and 24 V.S.A. §2202a (a) (Title 24, Chapter 61, Subchapter 8, Section 2202(a) the Selectboard of the Town of Weston at a regularly scheduled meeting held on January 27, 2015 the power to adopt, amend, repeal, and enforce ordinances regulating the solid waste disposal within its boundaries.

Whereas, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §2202a (d) of Act 148, Vermont’s Universal Recycling law, which requires municipalities implement a variable rate pricing system by no later than July 1, 2015; the Town of Weston is implementing and requiring variable rate pricing charges for municipal solid waste (hereinafter “MSW”) collection from residential customers for disposal based on the volume or weight of waste collected. This requirement to implement applies to all solid waste haulers, caretakers and facilities that accept and collect MSW from residential customers.

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of the Ordinance is enacted to encourage the responsible use of resources and the protection of the environment.

The Ordinance Contains the Following Sections:

1. Purpose

2. Definitions

3. Variable Rate Pricing

4. Flat Fee

5. Filing of Pricing System

6. Penalties and Civil Enforcement

7. Registration

8. Designation of Enforcement Personnel

10. Repeal of Inconsistent Provisions

11. Severability

12. Effective Date

The full text of the Ordinance is on file with the Town Clerk and is available for inspection at the Town Office.

Right to Petition: Under 24 V.S.A. §1972 and 1973, citizens have the right to petition for a vote on the Ordinance at an annual or special meeting. Denis Benson, Selectboard Chairman, PO Box 98, Weston, VT 05161 (802-824-3418 or 802-824-6988) is available to answer questions regarding this Ordinance.

Effective Date: Unless a petition is filed in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §1973, the Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after the date of its adoption (January 27, 2015). If a petition is filed in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §1973, the taking effect of the Ordinance or rule shall be governed by Section 1973(e).

Town of Weston
December 18, 2014

Filed Under: Latest NewsWeston Select Board Agenda

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