Archive for January, 2015
CANCELED: Grafton Select Board agenda for Feb. 2, 2015
Tonight’s meeting of the Grafton Select Board is canceled due to the weather. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 16. The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 at Grafton Elementary School on School Street. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: Jan. 19, 2015 Warrants: Payroll […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. Approve Minutes from Jan. 21, 2015 Select Board Meeting and Jan. 21, 2015 Executive Session Citizen Comments Old Business Chester Rotary Request for Use of the Green Investment of Economic Development […]

Chester Select Board rejects Open Meeting Law complaint, pulls Australian ballot articles
By Shawn Cunningham ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board heard from the town’s attorney regarding The Chester Telegraph’s complaint of a violation of Vermont’s Open Meeting Law and the board removed the questions regarding Australian ballot voting for all questions from the Town Meeting warning at its Jan. 21 meeting. Jim Carroll, attorney […]

Chester Historical Society throws future of Yosemite Fire House into question
By Shawn Cunningham ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The future of an iconic Chester structure is in question as the organization that has been responsible for it for nearly 38 years has expressed a desire to shed that responsibility. At a meeting on Thursday Jan. 22, Chester Historical Society President Ron Patch told the society’s membership […]

Spending issues on Town Meeting agendas for Andover, Chester, Grafton & Weston
2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC This time of year, town governments throughout Vermont begin setting their proposed spending agendas that voters will have to vote up or down either from the floor or by Australian ballot. Below are summaries of those articles for Andover, Chester, Grafton and Weston. Because of the Tuesday snows, we’ll give you […]

From the editor: On the recent downs and ups of the Chester Telegraph
Around 11:20 a.m. last Tuesday morning, as we were editing and writing articles for The Chester Telegraph, the company that hosted our website began experiencing instability on its servers. As you probably noticed, attempts to access the paper were met with 502 errors, 504 errors and other messages that indicated we and other websites hosted […]
To the editor: During VT Yankee closing, Entergy proved to be a fine company
On Monday, Jan. 19, at approximately 9:30 a.m., 35-plus-year career at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon ended. Although I am disappointed that the plant is being closed, I want to publicly thank Entergy Nuclear Operations for the professional manner in which it closed Vermont Yankee. Entergy provided nearly a year and a half […]
Okemo Resort named one of top workplaces in Vermont
LUDLOW Okemo Mountain Resort was recently named one of the 2015 Best Places to Work in Vermont. The annual list of the Best Places to Work in Vermont was created by Vermont Business Magazine, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Vermont Department of Economic Development, the Vermont Department of Labor, the Society for Human Resource […]

Gov. Shumlin to speak at Springfield Rotary-Chamber meeting
V ermont Gov. Peter Shumlin will be the guest speaker at the Springfield Rotary Club meeting at noon on Monday, Feb. 2. This annual visit to Springfield by the governor of Vermont, coordinated by the Springfield Rotary and the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, offers the business community, community leaders and the public an opportunity to […]

Turn leftover meatballs into a game-day snack
By Jim Bailey H ave any meatballs left over from last week? Here is the perfect vehicle. Actually more than a bite, these Yankee cornbread-‘plated’ meatballs are perfect for elegant dining as well as finger food for that great game. Use your favorite cheese in lieu of cheddar if desired. A heavily smoked cheddar […]
Six new authors highlighted at New Voices this weekend
Six new authors will discuss their work during Misty Valley Books’ annual New Voices event on 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 31, at the First Universalist Church in Chester’s Stone Village. Tickets are $10 and available at the bookstore. Seating is limited. This year’s writers’ books cover such subjects as war, crime, journalism, Appalachia, rock […]
To the editor: Heather Chase for Chester Select Board
Dear Chester residents: As a mother of four children, as a nurse and as a small business owner, I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the three-year seat on Chester’s Board of Selectmen. I have always been interested in town government but I am especially moved to run for office now because I believe […]
Canceled: Weston Liquor board, Select Board meetings for Tuesday, Jan. 27
The Town of Weston has canceled these meetings due to the impending snowstorm. The Town of Weston will hold a special meeting of the Board of Liquor Control at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 27 at Town Offices at 12 Lawrence Hill Road, followed by the Select Board meeting at 7:30. Below are the agendas. Board […]

Open offices: What’s up in Chester, Andover, Grafton, Weston and Londonderry
©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Next week: We’ll outline the fiscal articles that will be on the ballots for Andover, Chester, Grafton, Londonderry and Weston. Chester petitions due Monday Petitions to run for elective office in Chester are due at the Town Office by 5 p.m. Monday Jan. 26. According to Chester Town Clerk Deb Aldrich, […]

Chester Planning Commission begins drafting sign law, comments still sought
By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Having taken several hours of testimony from business owners and residents at two earlier meetings, the Chester Planning Commission met on Monday, Jan. 12 to discuss and organize the work of revising the town’s sign ordinance. Commission chair Tom Bock referred to the complexity of the work […]
To the editor: Environmental Court needs to keep court manager post funded
During a meeting of the Environmental Court bench and the Vermont Bar Association on Wednesday Jan. 14, 2015, the bar learned that the Supreme Court has decided not to refill the Environmental Court manager position when the incumbent retires in February. The judiciary is making this staffing decision as part of its contribution toward cutting […]

SAPA-TV announces video on demand; seeks donations to further broadcasting
By Shawn Cunningham ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC If living on a Class 3 road out in the woods has always meant missing the thrill of watching a Chester, Springfield or Weathersfield select board meeting in your pajamas, you won’t be deprived any longer. As Springfield Area Public Access Television begins its video on demand service, […]

Cavendish town offices, facilities go solar
After several years of discussion, planning and hard work, the Town of Cavendish solar array has gone on-line and is now feeding electric power into the grid to support Cavendish municipal buildings and facilities. To celebrate this watershed event, the town will hold a Grand Opening Celebration and ribbon-cutting at the new Cavendish Municipal Solar […]

These meatballs are the best in comfort foods
By Jim Bailey I adore meatballs — and who doesn’t? I eat spaghetti and meatballs every single day of the week. After years of experimenting, and although I never made a meatball I didn’t like, I believe these meatballs are the best of the best in the Italian realm of comfort food. I think […]
Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 21, 2015
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 21 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. Approve minutes from Jan. 7, 2015 and Jan. 9, 2015 Select Board meetings Citizen Comments Old Business Liquor License Renewals: MacLaomainn’s Entertainment Permit: MacLaomainn’s Brookside Cemetery Trail Grant AT&T Tower Modification Sign Town Warning […]