Six new authors highlighted at New Voices this weekend
Press release | Jan 26, 2015 | Comments 0

New Voices 2015 authors are, clockwise from top left, John Allen, Allegra Jordan, Tim Johnston, Christopher Scotton, Amy Rowland and David McCullough Jr.
Six new authors will discuss their work during Misty Valley Books’ annual New Voices event on 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 31, at the First Universalist Church in Chester’s Stone Village. Tickets are $10 and available at the bookstore. Seating is limited.
This year’s writers’ books cover such subjects as war, crime, journalism, Appalachia, rock and roll and education. Attending authors and their books include Allegra Jordan and The End of Innocence; Tim Johnston and Descent; Amy Rowland and The Transcriptionist; Christopher Scotton and The Secret Wisdom of the Earth; John Allen and Marmite Cowboy; and David McCullough Jr. and You Are Not Special.
In addition to the readings at the Stone Church, the public is invited to cross-country ski or snowshoe with the authors at Grafton Ponds on Saturday morning (trail fee), attend a reception at the church after the readings, and have drinks (cash bar) and/or dinner with the authors at the Fullerton Inn on the Green (full-course meal, prix fixe).
For more information stop by Misty Valley Books 58 Common St., Chester, call 802-875-3400 or visit or Facebook.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Arts
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.