Archive for February, 2015
To the editor: Chase will represent Chester well on the Select Board
We are writing to support the candidacy of Heather Chase for a seat on the Chester Board of Selectmen. Over the 14 years that the Chase family has been our neighbors and friends, we have had a chance to see Heather close up, in both good times and trying times. And we really like what […]
Chester Select Board agenda for March 4, 2015
The Chester Select Board will meet at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 4. Below is its Selectboard Organization Approval of Minutes; Feb. 18, 2015 Select Board meeting Old Business Citizen’s Comments Vending Permit; Bill Roberson Economic Development Funds Investment update; Remus Preda & Gary Gibbs Liquor License Renewals […]

Green Mountain Union High announces 2nd quarter Honor Roll
Green Mountain Union High School has released the names of those making the Honor Roll for the 2nd quarter. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-. (There must be an A+, A, or A- to offset the one grade of a C+, C or C-). […]

News analysis: Are school tax rates going down?
Last August, Chester’s Select Board asked representatives of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns and the tax department, to attend a special meeting to explain Vermont’s education finance system. But it seems the Chester Select Board is still having difficulties understanding the way that about 70 percent of Chester’s property tax burden is calculated. […]

Water system upgrade, Edson monument placement addressed at Chester Select Board meeting
By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Feb. 18 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard a project update and information on funding alternatives for Chester’s water upgrade, considered a request to place the new Edson monument in an alternate site on the Green and got a report on traffic ticket income from Police Chief […]

Derek Suursoo: Repaving Routes 11, 103 within Chester village are priorities
©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Derek Suursoo grew up in Chester before joining the Navy in 1978, where he served as an electronics technician before retiring from service in 2000. Since then, he says his “primary job” has been raising his four children. He is currently in his ninth year on the Chester Select Board. What do […]

Heather Chase: Increase public participation in town government
©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Heather Chase is a Chester resident with four children. She is also a nurse and the owner of a small business, Corporate Lactation Services, a company she founded in 1996 to “assist companies in creating environments and programs that would allow women to continue to breastfeed once they return to work,” according […]

Candidates in contested Chester Select Board race address pressing issues
©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Telegraph asked the two candidates for the open three-year term on the Chester Select Board to respond to a set of questions that address their vision for the town. The other two candidates — incumbents Tom Bock and Arne Jonynas — are unopposed in seeking re-election to one-year terms. The three-year […]
Free SBA course targets service members, vets on business startup fundamentals
MONTPELIER Camp Johnson is hosting a two-day course for service members and veterans who want to learn about the fundamentals of starting a small business from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27 and 28 at the camp’s Regional Training Institute, 789 Vermont National Guard Road in Colchester. Boots to Business is […]

Springfield Rotary welcomes RVTC director as new member
At a recent meeting, the Springfield Rotary Club welcomed River Valley Technical Center superintendent/director Scott Farr, center, as a new member. Welcoming Farr to the Rotary Club are President Carol Cole, right, and Rotarian Bob Flint, left.
To the editor: Not the time to legalize marijuana
I have kept a keen eye on the marijuana legalization issue over the months. Vermonters should not be fooled into thinking this is a Vermont thing. The Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington, D.C., organization, has sent Matt Simon to our lovely state to lobby for marijuana to be legal in our state. Mr. Simon lives […]

Chester Fall Festival seeks vendors; Cavendish Community Fund accepting grant applications
Applications for the 41st annual Fall Festival on the Green in Chester, which will be held this year on the weekend of Sept. 19 and 20, are now available for download. High quality artists and craftspeople creating handmade work in New England are encouraged to participate. Applications are due by April 1. Download an application […]
To the editor: Chase a fresh voice for Chester Select Board
We are pleased to write in support of Heather Chase for the three-year seat on the Chester Board of Selectmen. We have known and admired Heather and her family ever since she moved to our wonderful town in search of a quality of life. As long-time active Chester residents, creators of a successful doll business […]
To the editor: Expect education tax rate to drop
Several factors go into our education tax rates – education spending and the number of students, for example. But no aspect of the formula has as significant an effect on whether we pay more or less in taxes than the Common Level of Appraisal. Last year, a swing in the CLA was largely responsible for […]
To the editor: Vote for Green Mountain, Chester-Andover & River Valley school budgets
The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2015-16 proposed budget. The budget to be voted on Town Meeting Day represents an increase in budgeted expenditures of 1.43 percent, largely based on personnel costs that are offset by savings in transportation. Our estimated education spending per pupil continues to […]

Clams turn couscous into a New England delight
By Jim Bailey Although a noted ingredient in many Middle Eastern recipes and mostly associated with Israel, couscous is, in fact, an original from Africa. Couscous, which is a semolina product, is the perfect sponge for absorbing the flavor of clam juice. But try this recipe using fish or other seafood stock, or chicken […]
Weston Liquor Board and Select Board agendas for Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015
The Town of Weston’s Liquor Control Board meeting will be held at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24 at Town Offices at 12 Lawrence Hill Road. At 7:30, the Weston Select Board will hold its meeting. Below are their agendas. Liquor Control Board 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Second Class Liquor License: Weston […]

Londonderry hears from candidates, considers new fire truck
By Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC About 25 people turned out for Candidates Night at Town Hall in South Londonderry on Tuesday Feb. 10. In the absence of town moderator Wendell Coleman, Select Board member Robert Cowles took over the moderating duties. Cowles also announced that after 18 years on the board, he would not […]

Chester firefighters stretched and cramped and looking for a solution
By Shawn Cunningham © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The two-bay end of the town garage that houses the Chester Fire Department was quiet on a recent evening — a welcomed break from more than a month of non-stop action for the 17 part-time firefighters, whose main coverage area spans 89 hilly square miles in Chester […]
To the editor: Former Rep. Pellett endorses Chase for Chester Select Board
It is with great pleasure that I endorse Heather Chase for a three-year term on Chester’s Select Board. I’ve known Heather for more than 10 years, having met her during my first term as state representative. What impressed me then – and continues to this day – is Heather’s passion – and it shows in […]