Only one contested race in Chester, eight offices have no candidates

The petitions have been submitted, the signatures checked and here is the slate of candidates standing for elective office in Chester. The only office that is being contested is the three year select board position currently held by Derek Suursoo.  Heather C. Chase is running to take Suursoo’s place.   A write-in candidate for any of the open offices for which there are no candidates can be elected with the votes of at least 1 per cent of the voter checklist – or about 22 votes.  The election for these offices will be held from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday March 3 at Town Hall.

*Contested race

Chester Town moderator: one year term; William E. Dakin, Jr

Chester Town School District moderator: one-year term, William E. Dakin, Jr

Lister: one three-year term; Wanda C. Purdy

Lister: one unexpired two-year term; Barry F. Fowler

Select Board: two one-year terms; Thomas A. Bock, Arne Jonynas

* Select Board: one three-year term; Heather C. Chase, Derek Suursoo

Town Grand Juror: one-year term; John DeBenedetti

Agent to Defend Suits: one-year term; Jo-Anne DeBenedetti

Trustee of Public Funds: one three-year term; Shirley Barrett

Trustees of the Whiting Library: three  three-year terms; John C. Holme, Jr., Charlene Huyler, Carrie R. King

Auditor: one three-year term; E.W. “Ted” Spaulding

Chester Town School District director: one three-year term; NO CANDIDATE

Chester-Andover Elementary School director: one three-year term; Marilyn Mahusky

Green Mountain Union High School director: one three-year term; NO CANDIDATE

Budget Committee: six three-year terms; NO CANDIDATES




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