To the editor: Vote for Green Mountain, Chester-Andover & River Valley school budgets
The Chester Telegraph | Feb 23, 2015 | Comments 0
The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2015-16 proposed budget. The budget to be voted on Town Meeting Day represents an increase in budgeted expenditures of 1.43 percent, largely based on personnel costs that are offset by savings in transportation.
Our estimated education spending per pupil continues to be below the state average, and is one of the lowest in our region.
Our students appreciate the support from the community for our schools whether for music, drama and the arts, sports, technology, among other student celebrations. We are fortunate to have a great school, great staff and terrific students and we hope you will help us keep it that way.
We are committed to maintaining a learning environment that keeps our students in attendance with us and attracts tuition students. The more students we have in our schools, the lower your tax rate.
Please support our community and students by voting YES on the budgets for GMUHS, Chester-Andover Elementary School and River Valley Technical Center. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
Alison DesLauriers
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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