Early morning fire destroys Elm Street home in Chester, firefighters injured
Shawn Cunningham | Mar 06, 2015 | Comments 6

On the cover and above: George Malin shot this stunning, tragic photograph of the Monier fire from his Goldthwaite home at 6:58 a.m. Friday morning. Photo copyrighted 2015 George B. Malin. Click photo to launch gallery.

At 6:55 a.m., flames could be seen at the ground level of the Monier home on Elm Street in Chester. Claudio Veliz photo.
© 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC
UPDATE — 9:17 a.m. Saturday, March 7. Below in How to Help: Fundraiser at Pizza Stone, Monday March 16.
UPDATE — 6 p.m. March 6.
As the Chester Fire Department responded to the Monier fire early this morning, another fire was reported a few houses away on Elm Street, according to the Chester Fire Department. Because of the simultaneous fires, a 4-alarmer was called, activating Mutual Aid service.
The second fire was under control in about an hour. Of the four Chester firefighters who were injured, two were transported to Springfield Hospital. At this time, both have been released and all are at home resting, the department is reporting.
UPDATE — 3 p.m. March 6
Four Chester firefighters were injured this morning at the scene of a house fire on Elm Street. The fire, which began in the basement of the Monier residence, spread to the attached barn.
“Our firefighters were pulling lines when the barn collapsed,” said Fire Chief Matt Wilson, “and they were hit with a superheated cloud of smoke.”

Firefighters from at least 10 neighboring companies turned out to help fight the blaze. Claudio Veliz photo.
Two firefighters were treated at the scene and refused to be taken to the hospital, while two others were transported to Springfield Hospital. One was treated and released, the other is expected to be released later today.
The initial alarm for the fire was sounded at 6 a.m. this morning, and Chester firefighters returned to the station around 12:30 p.m.
“It was a four-alarm fire,” said Wilson, “which is pretty big for around here.” A total of 17 departments responded to the alarms with several of them sending multiple pieces of equipment. In addition to those reported below, Alstead, N.H., South Londonderry, Ascutney, Weathersfield, Reading and Windham helped put down the blaze. Chester, Springfield and Golden Cross ambulances were standing by on the scene.

Steam rises from the flames of the Moniers’ Elm Street home. All photos by Shawn Cunningham unless otherwise noted.
Characterizing the draw on Chester’s water system as “overtapped,” Wilson said the amount of water used to fight the fire as enormous. It was estimated that about 400,000 gallons were used and about halfway through the event firefighters had to begin pumping from the Williams River near the sewage treatment plant.
Wilson said that he had heard that a pet or pets had been lost, but could not confirm that. He also said that the Fire Department was fairly certain of the cause of the fire but would not comment until it could be confirmed.
From this morning
With the temperature reading 9 below zero, Chester firefighters – assisted by at least 10 nearby departments – fought a four-alarm fire at 284 Elm St. this morning. The first call came in just before 6 a.m. and by 7 a.m., the house appeared to be a total loss, while firefighters tried to save the barn at the rear.
The house is owned by Russell and Hannah Monier. It has been reported that the family escaped the building. This is the second home lost in downtown Chester in slightly more than a month. On Sunday, Feb. 1, the Lavallee family lost their First Avenue home to fire.
While firetrucks parked along Elm Street drew water from two nearby hydrants, tankers filled up at a hydrant on Grafton Street and ferried water to a portable reservoir just west of Benny’s Garage on Elm. Tankers lined Elm Street waiting to discharge their cargo and run for more water, while on Grafton Street, Water Department superintendent Jeff Holden assisted mutual aid crews in refilling.
“They’re trying to put 2,500 gallons per minute on that fire,” said Holden. “But the system only gives 750.”
The area near the fire is served by an 8-inch water main so the tankers were filling from a different part of the system to supplement the flow.
How to help
UPDATED 9:17 a.m. Saturday, March 7:
From Kerrie Spinrad: From 6 to 9 p.m. Monday, March 16, there will be a potluck event featuring local restaurants. The event will be held at the Pizza Stone on Pleasant Street in Chester. Please stop by with your family and join the community as we rally around the Monier family. Suggested donation will be $25 per family (more or less is always welcome). There will be live music and tons of food.!
Friends and family have established a Go Fund Me account to raise money for the Moniers. You can donate here.
The Cavendish Fire Department covered the station for the Chester Fire Department, while units from Ludlow, Springfield, Bellows Falls, Proctorsville, Londonderry, Charlestown, Walpole, North Walpole, Rockingham and Westminster responded. The Chester Telegraph will update this story during the day.
— Shawn Cunningham
Filed Under: Chester • Featured • Latest News
About the Author:
Shawn, thank you for this story. Unlike other’s I’ve seen, this one is by far the most professional in the area. Clear, concise, sticking to the facts and what happened. You are doing a great job to provide real news for Chester and surrounding communities. A true journalist.
All I know is that Andrew was living at that address. Do not have information on more than that.
We were not aware that the Moniers had a tenant. Obviously, if we had been, it would have been a major part of our initial coverage. Are you aware of any efforts to help Andrew Ojanen so that we might get the word out about that?
Thank you for letting us know.
So sorry for the tremendous loss the Monier family suffered but Andrew Ojanen also lost his residence and belongings.
May our generous community continue to offer support and prayers for all affected.
Russ, Hannah – Shocked and stunned with this news. So thankful and relieved that you are all ok. You are fortunate to be raising your family in a great, supportive and close community. Keep your spirits up. Although it’s from a distance, we are never far away. We are thinking of you all.
Hannah and family,
So sorry for your losses. Will be praying for you all. God bless.
Judy Blish