Create a creamy and crispy blueberry oatmeal
The Yankee Chef | Mar 23, 2015 | Comments 0
By Jim Bailey
Such a simple, yet great, twist on porridge we had as a child.
Remember that oatmeal paste that could only be loosened by a bunch of milk and sugar? Well, now that we are just a tad older, let’s enjoy the benefits of this hearty breakfast and prepare it in a more tempting manner.
You can omit the brown sugar altogether in the oatmeal if desired, but if you are attempting this for the children, you may want to reconsider, especially if this is the first time they have ever had oatmeal that wasn’t in a packet. Use fruit of your choice as well, such as frozen raspberries, blackberries or chopped strawberries.

Create a crispy blueberry oatmeal.
2 cups apple juice
1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup brown sugar, divided
1/2 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg
2 cups frozen blueberries*
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup plain yogurt
Preheat broiler, placing the broiler rack at least 3 inches from the heat source. In a saucepan, place the apple juice, oats, all but 6 tablespoons brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix well. Cook over medium-high heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring once or twice, or until the oatmeal has absorbed all the liquid. Immediately remove from heat and set aside.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, toss the blueberries with the cornstarch so blueberries are evenly coated. Evenly divide among 6 (1-cup) ramekins. After 2 to 3 minutes of cooling, stir the yogurt into the oatmeal, mixing well. Dollop equal amounts of oatmeal on top of blueberries already in ramekins. Sprinkle remaining brown sugar over the top of each and place under the broiler. Caramelize the top of each for about 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from oven to serve immediately. Serve as is or with cream poured over the top.
* Fresh blueberries work as well but don’t give off as much juice as do frozen when used in this recipe.
Schiffer Books of Pennsylvania has released Jim Bailey’s new book The Yankee Chef: Feel Good Food for Every Kitchen. It contains more than 550 traditional New England comfort-food recipes tweaked for today’s palates with hundreds of kitchen tips and food facts. The hardback book is 312 pages and contains 200 color images. Its ISBN is 978-0-7643-4191-5 and the cost is $34.99. The book can be ordered through Misty Valley Books, 802-875-3400.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • The Yankee Chef
About the Author: Jim Bailey is a third generation Yankee Chef, New England food historian and newspaper columnist. His first cookbook, simply titled The Yankee Chef, has been published. He welcomes all feedback, questions or comments at