Sun shines bright on Chester Memorial Day Parade

By Leah M. Cunningham
©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC

Under warm and sunny skies, residents of Chester gathered in and around the Green on Saturday, May 30 for the annual Memorial Day Parade.

Green Mountain Union High/Middle and Chester-Andover Elementary bands marched by as the CAES flag squad twirled their red and white banners to the glee of the many spectators.

Following the solemn memorial service at Brookside Cemetery, the procession moved to the Green, where Richard Farmer, the former American Legion national executive committeeman, mused that the weather might have been the nicest since Chester’s first parade in 1868.

Following the parade, crowds gathered around the Green to offer prayers of thanks for those who had given their lives in war time. The American flag was raised and wreathes were laid.

The GMUHS chorus offered a rousing round of God Bless America, and 7th grader Jackie Parker-Jennings read her winning essay “What Memorial Day Means to Me.” In a moving speech, Jackie began, “Pain.  Sorrow.  Grief.  These are the words I think of when I hear the word war, but I also think of: Sacrifice.  Integrity.  Honor.”

Photos by Leah M. Cunningham. Click on any photo to launch the gallery.

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