Chester to hold two public meetings and a vote next week

©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Two public hearings and a townwide vote will be held in Chester next week:

Monday, June 29 – The Town of Chester will hold an informational meeting ahead of a second vote on the town’s $4 million water project. This is happening because the first vote was not properly warned for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper. This vote is intended to ratify the 112 to 86 vote in favor of the project. The meeting will be held at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street at 6 p.m.

Tuesday, June 30 – Polls will be open at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for voters registered in the town of Chester to cast ballots on the following article:

Shall the action taken at the special town meeting of the Town of Chester held on May 19, 2015 in spite of the fact that the Warning thereof was not published in full conformity with statutory requisites, and any act or action of Town officers or agents pursuant thereto, be readopted, ratified and confirmed?

A yes vote will reaffirm the decision to go ahead with the water project.

A no vote would mean starting the voting process again from the beginning.

According to Julie Hance, assistant to the town manager, starting over again could jeopardize the low interest funding offered to the town by Vermont’s Drinking Water Fund.

Wednesday, July 1 – At 6:30 p.m., the Select Board will hold a special meeting at Town Hall regarding the re-adoption of the Chester Town Plan. The plan, which was adopted in 2010, will expire on July 21, 2015. The plan was to be revisited by the Planning Commission, but ongoing work on sign ordinances and fixes to the recently adopted Unified Development Bylaws have delayed the process. With the deadline looming, the commission is proposing that the Select Board re-adopt the current town plan with additional sections on  flood resilience  and  economic development. The regular Select Board meeting will follow at 7 p.m.

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