Archive for June, 2015

Chester to hold two public meetings and a vote next week
©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two public hearings and a townwide vote will be held in Chester next week: Monday, June 29 – The Town of Chester will hold an informational meeting ahead of a second vote on the town’s $4 million water project. This is happening because the first vote was not properly warned for […]
Grafton Select Board meeting for Thursday morning
The Grafton Select Board has called a meeting for 7:30 a.m. Thursday, June 25 at the Select Board offices in Town Hall at 117 Main St. in Grafton. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Warrants: Payroll and Accounts Payable Paving Bid Award Town Garage Financing Contract Town Pound Contract Other Business: Date of […]
To the editor: GMUHS thanks families, organizations for scholarships
The Green Mountain Union High School Senior Awards Ceremony was held on Friday, June 12. This program celebrates the achievements of our senior class both in the classroom and in our community. We would like to thank the following families and organizations for supporting the class of 2015. Approximately $400,000 is awarded between Senior Awards […]
Lowell Lake Road to close in July for culvert replacement
Beginning July 6, 2015, Lowell Lake Road in Londonderry will be closed to through traffic. A deteriorating culvert near the intersection of Lowell Lake Road and Mountain Lake Road will be replaced. The project is scheduled to take approximately one month and is funded by a VTrans Structures Grant from the State of Vermont. A […]

Goodman’s Pizza, Crown Point Realtors give back to Cavendish
Goodman’s Pizza to donate portion of profits to Cavendish fund Beginning with the first Cavendish Concert on the Green — at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 1, the Goodman’s famous wood-fired Pizzamobile will be serving hot, fresh custom ordered pizzas, and donating a portion of the profits to the Cavendish Community Fund. The concerts will be […]

Pick these pickled watermelon rinds for a picnic treat
By Jim Bailey I don’t generally eat anything pickled. But because I know exactly what I am putting in this recipe, I use these pickles for everything from burgers to fish to grilled sausages. Go ahead. Don’t waste any part of that watermelon, starting … right … now! 4 cups small diced watermelon […]

Windham Sheriff offers patrol alternatives to Londonderry
By Mallory Hopkins and Shawn Cunningham ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC While the average Londonderry Select Board meeting draws about five members of the public, the Monday June 15 meeting saw four times that for a discussion of police coverage for a town shaken by arsons and burglaries in recent months. While the town of 1,769 full-time […]

Green Mountain seniors honored with scholarships and awards
Families of the 49-member Green Mountain High School graduating Class of 2015 gathered at the GMUHS auditorium on Friday evening, June 12, to celebrate their loved ones’ academic accomplishments. The annual awards’ night ceremony. The awards and their recipients are: TOM SPATER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Alecia Rokes Jordan Stewart AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY CHESTER POST No. 67 […]
CANCELED — Chester Development Review Board for June 22, 2015
CANCELED — The Chester DRB is postponing the June 22 meeting. The board will convene as planned and warned and then recess. The board will schedule the next meeting before recessing. The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, June 22 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1) […]

Rokes named valedictorian, Fulkerson salutatorian for GMUHS Class of 2015
Alecia Rokes, daughter of Beverly and Warren Rokes, and Madeleine Fulkerson, daughter of Susan Fulkerson and Charles Hooker, have been named Green Mountain High School’s valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, for 2015. The two were chosen because they have the highest Grade Point Averages in their class. During high school, Alecia participated in soccer for three […]

CAES principal resigns, search for replacement under way
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester-Andover Elementary Principal Sherri Nichols has resigned her post after two years on the job. The CAES Board of Directors formally accepted her letter of resignation in May. She will become curriculum and staff development coordinator in the Addison-Rutland Supervisory Union, replacing Brooke Olsen-Farrell. Her salary will be $84,002, […]

Vermont venues offer a summer of musicals, dramas and comedies
By David Lampe-Wilson © 2015 – Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont’s summer months offer an array of pleasures – from long hikes on hidden trails to backyard get-togethers with friends and family. In addition to the natural wonders of a short, cherished season, we also look forward to the arrival of the summer theater season. From […]

Grafton residents await reopening of village grocery after surprise closing
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton community was hit hard in May by the unexpected closing of Mae’s Cafe at 56 Townsend Road, followed closely by the announcement that the Grafton Village Market, around the corner at 162 Main St., would also be closing. Sandi Woods, who operated the Village Market for many […]

Wilder Memorial Library receives grant from Vermont Country Store
The Wilder Memorial Library in Weston has received a $2,500 grant from the Vermont Country Store to fund two of the library summer children’s programs and a series for adults. The Every Hero Has A Story programming will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays in July and feature master storytellers, musicians and magicians. The […]
Family of ill 20-year-old Jamaica man raising money for medical trips
Jamaica Since birth, 20-year-old Cody Morin of Jamaica, Vt., has been living with a dysfunctional liver. To support the costly trips to Dartmouth and Boston for medical care, his family is raising money. Morin’s condition requires a liver transplant and, until then, his condition can only be helped with operations that provide temporary relief for […]
To the editor: CAFC shop and food shelf need volunteers
The Chester-Andover Family Center is looking for volunteers for both the Thrift Shop and Food Shelf. The Food Shelf needs folks to help with gleaning and processing produce during the summer and fall. Times and places to be determined. You are welcome to help once or several times. For more information, please leave a message […]

RVTC students aid Chester Townscape beautification work
Chester Townscape, formerly known as the Chester Beautification Committee, has continued to bring together dedicated volunteers, organizations and town departments to improve the appearance and economic sustainability of Chester. On Thursday, May 21, Chester Townscape arranged for instructor John Harmer and seven horticulture students from River Valley Technical Center in Springfield to hold the first […]

Volunteers sought for July 18 Race for the Cure; kid chefs sought for TV’s ‘Chopped’
MANCHESTER The 23rd annual Komen Vermont Race for the Cure – which takes place this year on Saturday, July 18, at Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester – is looking for volunteers for before, during and after the 5K walk, 5K run and 10K run. Volunteers with or without experience are invited to help […]
Chester Academy announces fund drive to aid college grants, donation from Players Guild
Chester Academy, a nonprofit corporation that awards scholarships to students from Green Mountain Union High School and Vermont Academy, has announced a fund drive with the goal of offsetting the rising cost of post secondary education as well as a donation from the Chester Players Guild. The Players Guild, which has formally dissolved, recently donated […]

Noted Ludlow restaurant to take over Weston Theatre eatery; Okemo resort honors employees
The Downtown Grocery, a restaurant based in Ludlow, will be taking over the Weston Theatre Playhouse’s pre-theater dinner service and Cabaret snack service under the name West Town Eatery. Chef-owner Rogan Lechthaler, a Weston native who has worked at Boston’s Ritz Carlton and Mistral, has received accolades from the Wall Street Journal, GQ magazine and […]