Londonderry seeks applicants for new policing plan committee

On Monday, July 6 the Londonderry Select Board voted to create an ad hoc committee to study and present a proposal for a possible policing plan for the Town of Londonderry to the Select Board.

The purpose of this committee is to examine and study possible options for policing and to bring a recommendation to the Select Board. The committee will elect a chairperson, hold open meetings, keep minutes and periodically update the Select Board.

Londonderry has been hit with a spate of burglaries and fires and residents have expressed concern over the Vermont State Police ability to respond immediately. The Windham Sheriff’s office has also weighed in with proposals.

The Select Board will study the committee’s recommendation, consider holding public meetings, and determine if a Special Town Meeting is warranted.

This committee will be composed of nine diverse members of the community who are willing to invest time to represent and serve the community. There will be one member from each of the following: safety (fire/rescue), church and school. Additionally, there will be two members from non-profit organizations, businesses and the community at large.

Letters of interest from prospective members will be welcomed by the Select Board during July. Emails (to or USPS letters (to 100 Old School Street, S. Londonderry, VT. 05155) postmarked by July 30, 2015 will be accepted. A committee will be appointed at the Aug. 3 Select Board meeting.

The committee will report to the board by Nov. 2, 2015.

Filed Under: Latest NewsLondonderry

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