2.7 miles in downtown Chester to be repaved
Cynthia Prairie | Aug 05, 2015 | Comments 2
By Cynthia Prairie
©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Resurfacing work along 2.7 miles of Routes 11 and 103 in Chester Depot and downtown Chester will begin in the next week with completion expected by early fall, according to Jacquie Degasse Dagesse, of EIV Technical Services of Williston, which is handling communications for the project.

Cold planing and resurfacing are among the work that will be done in Chester. Work area is red dotted line. Click map to enlarge
Specifically, work includes cold planing the roadway — removing the top 2 inches — then resurfacing with what are known as leveling and wearing courses. Also included in the work will be new roadway markings, signs, upgrades to drainage as well as sidewalk ramps.
And the at-grade rail crossing at Chester Depot near Lisai’s Chester Market will also be repaired.
Pike Industries of Danby has been contracted by the state to conduct the work.
Degasse Dagesse said that the work will be done in sections, with traffic being taken down to one lane in segments. But, she added, no roads will be closed completely and work may continue on some Saturdays. But she added, it will be stopped altogether to accommodate the Chester Fall Festival on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 19 and 20. “We’ve tried to understand the needs of the community,” she said, adding that she will be going door to door this week to meet with “every business and property owner” directly impacted by the road work.
According to a project map, the roadway to be resurfaced includes 1.666 miles along Route 103 from Church Street south through the Stone Village to Main Street, ending before Pleasant Street, .202 miles of Depot Street and .85 miles along Route 11 (Main Street) to Church Street.
Filed Under: Chester • Featured • Latest News
About the Author: Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.
Hi Dave,
Route 35 is a mess because the subsurface is so unstable. The work has been done on 2 for 1 state grants for Class 2 roads and Chester is eligible for that every five years. According to Julie Hance (assistant to the town manager) this year the town has grant funds to do the engineering to stabilize the underlying ground. The construction that will result from this would be a major project and doing it will mean getting more grant funds. To answer your original question, next year would be the very earliest that any road construction could be done on Grafton Road.
When is Route 35 – Grafton Rd, going to be repaved? It’s so bad it may deter people from even driving to do business in Chester.