A crispy and creamy dessert in rice and apricot pudding pie

Yankee Chef logoBy Jim Bailey

There are a number of reasons I use fat free milk in this recipe. It will lower the calories and fat substantially and it will not curdle as you are preparing it. This is silky smooth, perfectly sweetened, creates its own crispy crust and is just simply a wonderful pie to enjoy anytime of the year. This dessert will be just as sweet using your favorite preserves as well.

Creamy apricot pudding pie.

Creamy apricot pudding pie.

Nonstick cooking spray
1/2 cup rice
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup pineapple juice
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 cup apricot preserves, divided
2 teaspoons lime or lemon juice
3 egg whites, beaten well*

In a small saucepan, over medium heat stir together rice, milk, pineapple juice and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to low, cover and gently simmer 12 minutes. Remove the cover from time to time and stir three to four times.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350-degrees F. Spray a pie tin with nonstick cooking spray; set aside. Remove cover on rice mixture and increase heat to medium. Let gently boil for an additional 4 minutes, stirring almost constantly. Remove from heat to cool for five minutes. It will still be a little soupy, but that is perfectly fine.

Stir in 1/2 cup preserves and lime juice and mix well. Add a couple of tablespoons hot rice mixture with the egg whites, stirring well. Add the tempered eggs into the rice mixture and stir well.

Pour into the prepared pan and bake 22 to 24 minutes, or until well browned edges appear and the center is set. Remove to cool slightly while getting apricot preserves ready. Heat remainder of the preserves in a microwave, covered, for 10-20 seconds, or until bubbling hot. Remove and stir well. Drizzle over the top of the pie and refrigerate until completely cooled, about 2 hours.

Yankee Chef book coverSchiffer Books of Pennsylvania has released Jim Bailey’s new book The Yankee Chef: Feel Good Food for Every Kitchen. It contains more than 550 traditional New England comfort-food recipes tweaked for today’s palates with hundreds of kitchen tips and food facts. The hardback book is 312 pages and contains 200 color images. Its ISBN is 978-0-7643-4191-5 and the cost is $34.99. The book can be ordered through Misty Valley Books, 802-875-3400.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeThe Yankee Chef

About the Author: Jim Bailey is a third generation Yankee Chef, New England food historian and newspaper columnist. His first cookbook, simply titled The Yankee Chef, has been published. He welcomes all feedback, questions or comments at theyankeechef@aol.com.

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