Saxtons River resident reappointed to Vermont Commission on Women
Press release | Sep 21, 2015 | Comments 0
Three commissioners have been named to the 16-member Vermont Commission on Women, a non-partisan state agency advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls. Commissioners guide VCW’s public education, coalition building, and advocacy efforts. Commissioners are appointed by various appointing authorities to serve four-year terms.

Carol Buchdahl
The Democratic Party has reappointed Carol Buchdahl, R.N., M.A. of Saxtons River. Buchdahl retired as manager of leadership development and organizational learning for the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Department of Vermont Technical College. Her work with CEWD involved facilitating and consulting for businesses and organizations throughout New England. She continues in this role as a consultant for state government agencies and private companies. Buchdahl served in the Vermont Legislature from 1997-1999 as a representative from Georgia, and was clerk of the House Commerce Committee. She serves on the board of the Greater Falls Warming Shelter and was secretary and co-chair of the development committee of Main Street Arts in Saxtons River. Buchdahl also is chair of VCW’s Health, Safety and Civil Rights Committee. At the end of this new term, Buchdahl will be the longest-serving commissioner ever on the VCW.
The Republican Party has reappointed Susie Hudson of East Montpelier. Hudson was elected secretary of the Republican National Committee in January 2015. She was first elected as National Committeewoman from Vermont in 2008, previously serving as RNC Midwest legislative political director and Midwest regional field coordinator. Hudson ran a consulting business, and was practice manager at a law firm serving northern and central Vermont and New Hampshire. Hudson served in the administrations of President George W. Bush at the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorney General John Ashcroft. In 2003, Gov. James Douglas appointed her to serve as executive director of the Vermont Commission on National and Community Service, where she oversaw Vermont’s AmeriCorps programs and directed the volunteer/donated items portion of the state emergency operations plan. She was campaign chair for Vermont Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie for two of his re-election campaigns.
Gov. Peter Shumlin has appointed Colin Ryan of Burlington. Ryan is a comedic speaker, author, and financial education expert. Thanks to a grant created by Sen. Bernie Sanders, he served credit unions statewide for four years as Vermont’s Financial Literacy Champion, providing free financial education for high school and college students in our state. Realizing he had found his calling to be a financial education advocate, Ryan enhanced his message by adding the skill sets of professional stand-up comedian and storyteller. This unique comedic approach to financial literacy quickly gained him national attention, and in 2012 he was named one of the Top 10 youth money presenters in America. He has collaborated with the Girl Scouts of America, National Geographic Television, United Way and numerous student leadership organizations, as well as banks, credit unions and colleges across the country. His comedy fundraiser series has donated over $150,000 to good causes.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • People
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.