To the editor: Two Rivers Supervisory Union thanks NewsBank

Letters to the editor logoThe administration and boards of Two Rivers Supervisory Union, composed of the schools of Black River Middle School and High School, Cavendish Town Elementary, Chester-Andover Elementary, Green Mountain Union High School, Ludlow Elementary School and Mount Holly Elementary would like to thank NewsBank Inc. for the use of its NewsBank Conference Center and the Fletcher House.

We have utilized the buildings for numerous teacher trainings as well as administrative and school board meetings. The beautiful facilities generously accommodate participants and trainers, helping to make the meetings more productive, engaging and worthwhile for all. Our gratitude extends also to Barbara Westine and the NewsBank staff who graciously assist us and are ever ready to accommodate our requests for the use of the facilities.

We are fortunate to have NewsBank, a worldwide corporation, as our benefactor. We appreciate their support of public education and their generous spirit of giving to their community.

Bruce Williams

Linda Waite
Associate Superintendent

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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