Chester Townscape offers daffodil bulbs ‘To Light Up Chester’

 Chester Townscape is continuing its ongoing campaign to Light Up Chester by encouraging people to purchase daffodil bulbs to plant this fall to produce a burst of color in spring of 2016. This year’s choice is a yellow trumpet with white petals named Goblet. The flower will coordinate with last year’s King Alfred bulbs and provide additional interest and color.

daffodil_public-domainParticipants may plant bulbs on their own property or purchase the bulbs to donate to Chester Townscape to plant in various places around town.

People may also donate  money to the group to help with its beautification projects. The floral campaign — now seasonally adjusted with pumpkins, mums and corn stalks — continues to beautify Chester and make it a lovely place to live and visit.

Orders for bulbs may be taken by any member of Chester Townscape or by contacting Carol Gilbert 802-875-1599. Order forms are available now at the Whiting Library, 117 Main St. Bulbs may also be ordered at the Fullerton Inn on the Chester Green.

All bulbs, along with planting instructions, may be picked up from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  now until Wednesday, Oct. 14 at the front desk of the Fullerton Inn.

A mini-bag of six bulbs is $5, a regular bag of 12 bulbs is $10. For larger displays, participants can become a 40-Watt Donor purchasing 48 bulbs for $40, a 60-Watt Donor purchasing 72 bulbs for $60, or a 100-Watt Donor purchasing 120 bulbs for $100. Proceeds from the bulb sale will help fund the growing list of enhancement projects and add to the appeal and character of the town for those who live, work or do business here.

Chester Townscape is a committee of Chester Community Alliance, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. For further information about Chester Townscape and its town projects and contacts, visit

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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