Idle-Free VT awarded funded for clean air education at schools

Idle-Free VT Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that raises awareness of unnecessary vehicle idling, was awarded $18,500 by the High Meadows Fund and the Vermont Community Foundation to implement Vermont Idle-Free Schools

Idle-Free VTDirector Wayne Michaud is coordinating the statewide project for the 2015-16 school year with goals of protecting student health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving energy. Students and adults will learn to be fuel efficient, environmentally responsible drivers. The project is addressing Vermont passenger vehicle discretionary idling that is shown to emit 36,500 metric tons of CO2e annually.

Vermont Idle-Free Schools is working with school administrators and teachers, and other community members to conduct 60 idling awareness and eco-driving educational sessions for more than 1,000 middle and high school students. A portion of these sessions will be conducted by college level paid interns. Additionally, eight schools are participating in special long term, student-led idle-free school campaigns. The project is also working with supervisory unions and school districts to adopt up to 25 school no-idling policies, procedures, or handbook rules.

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Filed Under: Education News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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