Haunted Firehouse in S. Londonderry; workshop on becoming citizen-scientist; BRGNS holds Stick Season Social fund-raiser
Press release | Oct 27, 2015 | Comments 0
Oct. 31: Firehouse haunts, trunk or treat in South Londonderry
The community is invited to attend the sixth Annual Haunted Firehouse starting at 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31 at South Londonderry Fire Station, 60 Main St. The event is free and sponsored by the South Londonderry Fire Department.
The firehouse will be open with free food and drinks, tours of the fire station, and a campfire. Kids of all ages can check out the haunted portion of the firehouse.
The Haunted Firehouse runs in conjunction with Trunk-or-Treating sponsored by the First Baptist Church of South Londonderry from 5 to 7 p.m. on the green lawn between the fire station and the bridge.
Kids can trick-or-treat, walking from vehicle to vehicle to gather candy. People are invited to park their cars next to the firehouse and set up at 4:45 p.m., open their trunks, and hand out treats to children, starting at 5 p.m. Participants are encouraged to dress up and decorate their trunks or around the car if they feel like doing so.
Main Street will be closed during the event, but people can park either at the library and Town Office building or at First Baptist Church’s parking lot. For questions, contact Chris Blackey at 802-856-7266.

iNaturalist app discussed at the Sterling College
Oct. 31: Citizen-scientist workshop
Master the skills to becoming a citizen scientist on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Sterling College campus, 16 Sterling Drive, Craftsbury Common.Elizabeth Spinney, the invasive plant coordinator for VT Forests, Parks and Recreation will discuss iNaturalist (www.inaturalist.org) and provide information and resources for local projects.
Bring your smart devices with the iNaturalist free app, or learn to use their website and take part by using a GPS enabled digital camera, or bring along a handheld GPS. Snacks will be provided.
Nov. 7: Stick Season Social fund-raiser
Black River Good Neighbor Services’ sixth annual Stick Season Social starts at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Sam’s Steakhouse, 91 Vermont 103 in Ludlow. “Stick Season is that time between the fall leaves and the winter snow,” said Peter LaBelle, president of BRGNS. “This is a fun fundraising dinner and it is our major fundraiser of the year. It will help us with operating costs so we can continue to help local people in need of food, rent, utilities and heat assistance.”The evening includes dinner, a cash bar, a silent auction, and lots of raffle items and door prizes, which are donated by the community. Tickets are $55/pp, including dinner, gratuities and tax and can be purchased at our Thrift Store, People’s United Bank, the Book Nook, and The Wine & Cheese Depot, all located in Ludlow. Or, you may purchase tickets online at www.brgn.org. Call 802-228-3663 with any questions. Tickets must be purchased in advance and seating is limited. BRGNS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.