Letter to the editor: New Green Mountain Party seeks supporters

Letters to the editor logoThe Green Mountain Party has formed a state committee and is looking to open town caucuses to be a minor political party in Vermont.

Your one vote does a lot and sometimes we as citizens need to do more. Many in Vermont are frustrated with our non-responsive, self-serving Montpelier government.

We are frustrated with likes of Monsanto trying to influence our laws. We are frustrated with the 425 lobbyists that inundate our 30 senators.

We are frustrated with the D- that Vermont has earned in ethics. We are frustrated with constant power grab from Montpelier.

We are frustrated with the uncontrolled spending from our State House. We are frustrated with the latest federal whim becoming our state policy. We are frustrated with an Act 46 program that will close our local schools and still increase our local taxes. We are frustrated with indiscriminate grant money be wastefully spent.

We are frustrated with the large monopolies controlling our expenditures and even the local gas station monopolies raising our rates. We are frustrated with a government that serves those with connections, while our citizens are homeless. We are frustrated with those that are serving themselves behind the cloak of non-profit organizations.

We are frustrated with the lack of respect within government for different ideas. We are frustrated with the heroin dealers and the pharmaceutical dealers that steal our souls and our money.

Welcome to the Green Mountain Party. The work load is light and fun. Please email us with your interest in helping out. neiljohnson@madriver.com

We’ll have a website up in the coming two weeks.


Neil Johnson
State party chair
Green Mountain Party

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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