Ascutney Partnership honors Windsor residents for safe sidewalks
Press release | Jan 11, 2016 | Comments 0

Windsor residents Donna Ewald, left, and Robert Haight receive community champion recognition from Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership.
Haight, Windsor’s zoning administrator, and Ewald, a physical education teacher, have been instrumental in creating safe sidewalks in and around town, resulting in improved walkability and a healthier community.
Ewald, a key organizer of the Windsor State Street School Safe Routes to School, has been coordinating the Walking School Bus, a parent-driven program where adults supervise children walking to school. The program resulted from a local survey where parents weren’t ready for their children to walk to school on their own and identified stranger danger and traffic speed as areas of concern. Parents, teachers and other community members contributed to the success of SRTS, as Ewald says, “there are so many people doing this – you can’t do it by yourself.”
Haight has been spearheading the beautification in the downtown area of Windsor, one of the 24 statewide communities to participate in VTrans “downtown program.” The Downtown Program works throughout the state to bring resources to help affiliated or designated downtown organizations preserve and revitalize historic downtowns and create strong communities. Haight has cleared vast amounts of brush by the Windsor railroad tracks and, through a grant from VTrans, will be a part the process of creating bike paths and pedestrian connections as well as sidewalk repairs.
The award, given by the Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership recognizes community champions throughout Windsor, West Windsor, Hartland and Weathersfield.
To nominate an individual or organization making a positive impact within these four communities or if you would like more information on establishing a tobacco or alcohol-free event, contact MAPP at or 802-674-2900 x 25.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • People
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.