BRGNS Thrift Store needs volunteers

The Thrift Store at Black River Good Neighbor Services is looking for volunteers to help take out the trash – literally.

If you have a pickup truck or SUV, or don’t mind filling the back of your car with trash, and you can spare two hours once a month, BRGNS can use your help.

The store has a long history of volunteers helping to haul trash and recycling to the Ludlow transfer station each week, but people move away, or sell their pickup, or get a new job, and the trash and recycling still piles up.

“We used to just dispose of trash,” said Executive Director Audrey Bridge. “But now we mostly generate recycling. Whatever it’s called, we still have to move it.” So if you can spare the time and want to help, please call Bridge at 228-3663, or stop by Thrift Store at 37B Main St. in Ludlow.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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