To the editor: A change in Chester for more opportunities

Did you know that Letters to the editor logothe Town of Chester is in the center of the fastest fiber optic cable network in the United States?

VTel is currently converting our entire network to state-of-the-art fiber-optic to deliver blazing gigabit-per-second Internet speeds to every home in its south-central Vermont service area of 14 rural Vermont villages.

This is being done at no additional cost to customers. That means that southern Vermont is the only region of its kind in the country where even the most rural homes will have speeds that are around 100 times the national average.

That means jobs.  This fiber infrastructure will also bring businesses, schools and institutions to the next level, generate new business opportunities and deliver an adrenaline shot to the regional economy without changing what we love most about our way of life.

This is the kind of economic development opportunity our town leadership can and should be raising the flag about.  This could mean great jobs for our community — if our leadership seizes the opportunity.  Just imagine the educational and business opportunities that are within our reach.

This is just another reason why routine change on boards is healthy.

I am running for a 3-year term on the Chester Select Board. I believe our community is facing opportunities that require new ideas and a vision for the future.

I have the energy, enthusiasm and leadership skills to make a difference in our community. The time has come for a healthy change.

Dan Cote
Co-owner of Inn Victoria
Candidate for Chester Select Board

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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