To the editor: Jonynas deserves another term on Chester Select Board

Having known Arne Jonynas for nearly 20 years, it’s quite easy for me to endorse him in his bid for re-election to the Chester Select Board.

Letter to the editor logo2I know Arne to be a good, honest, hard-working businessperson, an involved citizen of our town, a solid, caring parent to his children and a thoughtful, pragmatic selectman who puts the best interest of the town ahead of any personal feelings on a given issue.

He’s proved this through his repeated service to our town as both select board member and, previously, as a long-time school board member at both Chester-Andover Elementary and Green Mountain Union High school.

Arne’s integrity, experience and level-headedness are precisely the qualities we want when it comes to discussion of and voting on issues that will impact our beautiful town now and into the future. I heartily endorse and encourage you to vote for Arne Jonynas’ reelection to the Chester Select Board.

Tim Roper

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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