To the editor: Re-elect Tom Bock to Chester Select Board

I enthusiastically endorse Tom Bock for re-election to the Chester Select Board.

Letter to the editor logo2In my nine years of service as recording secretary for both the Select Board and the Planning Commission I have witnessed firsthand Tom’s thoughtful devotion to the well-being of the people of Chester in consideration of the issues presented to each board.

During his 10 years of service on the Select Board and 20 years on the Planning Commission, Tom has demonstrated honesty and integrity. Tom does his homework and arrives well prepared for each meeting; and he is consistently fiscally responsible in the allocation of taxpayer dollars.

As a resident for over 45 years, and former owner of Vermont T’s, Tom has a genuine interest in the Town of Chester and cares about its future. Tom’s capabilities as chairman of the Planning Commission were essential to the updating of the Chester Town Plan and Unified Development Bylaws, which secure the future growth of Chester.

If you agree that a Chester Select Board member should be straightforward, hardworking and dedicated to the welfare of the people of Chester, cast your vote for Tom Bock on March 1.

Georgia Ethier

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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