Archive for February, 2016

Chester-Andover Elementary School District No. 29 Warnings; Green Mountain Union High School District No. 35 Warnings
Click ads for full warnings.

Chester Water & Sewer Commission, Select Board meetings for Feb. 17, 2016
The Chester Water and Sewer Commissioners will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 17, followed by the Chester Select Board. Both meetings will be at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below are their agendas. WATER & SEWER COMMISSIONERS AGENDA 1. Review & Recommend Change in Water Rate SELECT BOARD AGENDA 1. Approve […]

UPDATE — 2016 Chester Winter Carnival schedule changes
UPDATED Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 Due to the anticipated wind chill, the Winter Carnival Committee is postponing Saturday night’s events. These include the sculpture fire, bonfire and skate party at Cobleigh Field. The bonfire and skate party will now be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday Feb. 27. The Broom Ball Tournament on Sunday, […]

A big chill is coming: Vermont Emergency Management urges caution
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont’s Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security is warning Vermonters to brace for this weekend’s chill, in what might be the coldest temperatures of the season. The National Weather Service is forecasting below zero wind chills Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some areas could reach a wind chill of 30 […]

Chester Police Log for Jan. 3 to Feb. 3, 2016
©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. In general, we do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Sunday, Jan 3, 12:48 a.m. A Chester officer was dispatched to a local bed and breakfast for a […]

Girls State program seeking high school applicants
©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC The American Legion Auxiliary Green Mountain Girls State program, which engages young women in a weeklong exercise in citizenship and self-government, is seeking applicants for the summer 2016 session. High school girls who have completed their junior year are eligible to apply. ALA Girls State participants spend an intensive week of […]

Grafton Town Administrator Williams stepping down
By Cynthia Prairie ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Grafton Town Administrator Rachel Williams is leaving her position to complete her bachelor’s degree and pursue a master’s in business management and accounting in St. Albans. Williams, 34, the mother of two elementary school-age children, has been in the post for two years. It’s a job that involves […]

To the editor: A change in Chester for more opportunities
Did you know that the Town of Chester is in the center of the fastest fiber optic cable network in the United States? VTel is currently converting our entire network to state-of-the-art fiber-optic to deliver blazing gigabit-per-second Internet speeds to every home in its south-central Vermont service area of 14 rural Vermont villages. This is […]

Chester introduced to erosion, runoff issues in relatively quick Select Board meeting
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC “Wow,” exclaimed Chester Select Board member Bill Lindsay as that body adjourned its Wednesday, Feb. 3 meeting after only an hour and 12 minutes. While there may have been a light agenda, that’s seldom kept the board from adjourning before two hours. Katherine Otto of the Southern […]

GMUHS announces Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter 2016
©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Green Mountain Union High School has announced its 2st Quarter Honor Roll for the 2015-2016 school year. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-.(There must be an A+, A, or A- to offset the one grade of a C+, C or […]

Wandering Grafton man found after search
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC An 82-year-old Grafton man suffering from dementia was reported missing on Sunday night when he went outside his Chester Road home, but did not return after an hour. The Vermont State Police began searching for Thomas Brown just after 7 p.m. A “canine track” began at about […]
BRGNS Thrift Store needs volunteers
The Thrift Store at Black River Good Neighbor Services is looking for volunteers to help take out the trash – literally. If you have a pickup truck or SUV, or don’t mind filling the back of your car with trash, and you can spare two hours once a month, BRGNS can use your help. The […]

Southern Pie Company holds Grand Opening on Saturday
The Southern Pie Company, 287 Main St. in Chester, will hold its Grand Opening on Saturday, Feb. 13 starting with a ribbon cutting at noon. From 3 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, owners Scott and Leslie Blair will have a plated pie tasting and coffee sample event. Plates of Leslie Blair’s homemade pies will sell […]

ANR to hold meeting on management plan for Lowell Lake Park
The Agency of Natural Resources is currently writing an addendum for revising the Long Range Management Plan for Lowell Lake State Park, a 356-acre park in Londonderry. Important features of the parcel include the 100-acre lake, many wetland features, a hiking trail, developed recreational area and a snowmobile trail. A public presentation is planned for […]

GM math teacher honored for use of technology in education
Green Mountain Union High math teacher Julie Parah has been selected as one of Vermont’s 23 transformative and innovative educators — a Vermont IGNITED Educator. Vita-Learn, a statewide organization that promotes technology in education, and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development will be honoring the educators at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier on Wednesday, […]

To the editor: Jr. Iron Chef teams update; cafeteria gets pay online system
Both of Green Mountain High School’s Jr. Iron Chef Vt. teams have been working hard to create and perfect their recipes to be submitted for approval by Feb. 15 to enter the March 19 competition. A big thank you to the coaches for giving the teams so much of their time and support. I will […]

College News
Forrest Lisle of Grafton was named to the fall 2015 Dean’s List at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. Lisle’s major is adventure education. To be eligible for Dean’s List, a student must carry a semester GPA of 3.6 or better in no fewer than 15 credit hours of graded college level work and have […]

To the editor: In Montpelier, marijuana, budgets on the agenda
The first month of the 2016 legislative session included Gov. Peter Shumlin’s last State of the State and budget address. The Senate had the difficult job of deciding whether to suspend a colleague who faces criminal charges. I voted against suspension out of respect for the presumption of innocence and for the separation of powers […]

Making whoopie (pie) for Valentine’s Day
By Jim Bailey Here’s rare treat: A Valentine’s Day Whoopie Pie. Thank you to Sweetie Pie’s of Dexter, Me., for creating this one just for the Yankee Chef, and thus for our readers. The owner of Sweetie Pie’s was named 2016 Best New Baker as well as the winner of the premier of the […]

3 youths injured as SUV hits bridge, tumbles into Saxtons River
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC A 17-year-old Claremont, N.H., driver lost control of his vehicle on Route 121 in Grafton last night, flipped over the Saxtons River Bridge and ended up in the river. According to Vermont State Police, Irfan Arif was traveling west on Route 121 at about 8:20 p.m. when the passenger side […]