To the editor: New Chester Select Board member urges involvement, dialogue

To the residents of Chester: Thank you for the support.

Dan Cote Chester Select BoardThe act of unseating a long-term incumbent requires a groundswell of support.  You did it!  Your voice spoke loudly last week as the overwhelming support for improvement away from status quo leadership was made clear.

This places a tremendous responsibility upon the shoulders of the Chester Select Board.  I hear you and appreciate your trust in me.   Thank you for the opportunity.

With that said, it is important that we all recognize that change and improvement requires open communication among all stakeholders, active participation at Select Board and committee meetings in a constructive manner.

It requires vision on the part of the Select Board members for a collaborative and healthy dialogue in regards to the future of our community.

This can only happen when we — the town’s people — are engaged in these meetings and these improvement processes.  It is with these basic principles that I encourage participation over the coming months as discussion forums are created, committee meetings seek out ideas and conflicts arise over priorities.

Together, with cool heads and a sense for the greater good of Chester, we will steadily improve our future.

Thank you again,
Dan Cote
Chester Select Board member

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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