Archive for May, 2016

Red Nose Day raises funds for local kids in need
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC It can be tough to breathe wearing a plastic clown nose, but after 100 laps around the Chester green, Townsend Gilbert was still smiling. It was Chester’s first annual “Red Nose Day.” The annual event raises money for children in need and with 76 people coming out to participate throughout […]

Marketing pro to speak at Rotary event;
Crown Point Board of Realtors hosts Golf for a Cause, BBQ;
Springfield Buick sponsors anti-bullying school event
Marketing pro to speak at Chester Rotary evening event On Thursday, June 2, at 5:15 p.m., Kim Dixon, owner of Insights LLC, a marketing business, will address the Chester Rotary’s First Thursdays meeting at the Fullerton Inn, on the Common in Chester. Dixon has provided valuable information about effective marketing through free community workshops throughout […]

College News
Six area students have been named to the Dean’s List of the University of Vermont for the spring 2016 semester. To be named to the list, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class in their respective college or school. Willoughby Bourne of […]

McCormack files for re-election to state Senate
Dick McCormack has announced that he will seek re-election to the state Senate, representing Windsor County, the Windham town of Londonderry and the Rutland County town of Mt. Holly. He filed petitions last Tuesday to have his name placed on the Democratic Party ballot for the Tuesday, Aug. 9 Primary to qualify as a Democratic […]

Race for Cure seeks volunteers; Neighborhood Connections gets $4,500 donation from Eileen Fisher store; Drug Take-Back day nets 458 pounds
The 24th annual Komen Vermont Race for the Cure, which takes place this year on Saturday, July 23, at Riley Rink at Hunter Park, in Manchester — is looking for volunteers before, during and after the day’s events (a 5K walk, a 5K run, a 10K run, and a Kids Obstacle Course). Volunteers can range […]

12 at RVTC inducted into National Technical Honor Society
River Valley Technical Center inducted 12 new members into the National Technical Honor Society at a ceremony on Wednesday, May 25. The 2016 NTHS members inducted are: Jennifer Anders, a senior from Springfield High School, enrolled in Human Services; Kolbi Briere, a junior from Springfield High School, enrolled in Human Services; Sofia Gulick, a sophomore […]

To the editor: Thanks to the Chester Post Office for Stamp Out Hunger drive
The Chester-Andover Family Center thanks the Chester Post Office staff and its amazing letter carriers for the very successful Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. A total of 1,386 pounds was collected, along with a $10 donation, and provided much-needed food for the continually increasing number of Food Shelf recipients. A special thank you to each […]

On and off the pages, turn summer reading for kids into adventures
By John Hoover ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Lockers have been cleaned out, goodbyes have been said and the last bus has pulled out of the parking lot. School’s out and you have the entire summer stretching in front of you. So, what are you going to do with all that free time? You know from […]

Kids may get a kick out of Waldorf-style egg salad sandwich
By Jim Bailey Although I omitted the nuts — for those who simply cannot tolerate them — this remains a tremendously flavorful egg salad that will quickly remind you of that classic Waldorf salad. If you are having issues with your children trying egg salad for the first time, this just may be a […]

Chester Select Board meeting for June 1, 2016
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. on June 1, 2016 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes from the May 13, 2016 Special Select Board Meeting; May 18, 2016 Select Board Meeting and May 19, 2016 Special Select Board Meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Follow […]

To the editor: Melody Reed announces run for Vermont House
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the residents of Chester, Andover, Baltimore and North Springfield – and to let you know I’ve taken the first step in my quest to become your next state representative. It was not a spur of the moment decision, but rather one that I’ve given […]

Schedule for Weston bridge closing
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC VTrans will shortly begin replacing bridge 98 in Weston which is located on Vermont Route 100 about a mile south of the intersection of Routes 155 and 100. Work is expected to begin on May 17 with alternating one lane traffic 24 hours a day. The Telegraph has reported on […]

Citing lack of information Chester board nixes firehouse, likely to revisit question
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Citing a lack of information on the process of transferring the Yosemite Firehouse to town ownership, the Chester Select Board defeated a motion to accept the building from the Chester Historical Society by a vote of 3 to 2 at its meeting on Wednesday May 18. The […]

Londonderry land purchase shot down at town meeting
By Christopher Biddle ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Per the wishes of its citizens and despite the full support of the Select Board, the Town of Londonderry will not be purchasing a parcel of land adjacent to the town Transfer Station, as a clear majority of a crowd of 91 residents voted down the purchase by […]

Improper warning forces rescheduling of Grafton special meeting; Sands questioned on meeting with Iberdrola
By Cynthia Prairie ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC What was supposed to be a special meeting of the Grafton Select Board to begin — and maybe even fill — the vacancy left when Gus Plummer resigned exactly one week previous turned into an informal session in which new Town Administrator Emily Huff plead mea culpa for […]

Chester police capture fugitive
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Today, using information on a vehicle driven by a suspect involved in a stabbing in Keene, New Hampshire, Chester Police Officers were able to locate Osvaldo Dejesus, 30, of Hinsdale New Hampshire, at a residence on South Main Street between the construction sites for Dollar General and Jiffy Mart. As […]

Special meeting of Grafton Select Board, May 26, 2016
The Grafton Select Board has called a special meeting for 6 p.m. Thursday, May 26, at Town Hall, 117 Main St. in Grafton, to select an interim board member. Below is its agenda. 1. Public Comment 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Appointment of Interim Select Board Member to fill vacant seat. 4. Other Business 5. Date […]

College news
Champlain College’s 138th Commencement was in Burlington on Saturday, May 14. A total of 537 undergraduates received their associate and bachelors degrees during the ceremony. Students who received their degrees from Champlain College include: Oliver Fischer of Weston and Gary Luman of Chester. Keene State College announced that 1,323 students have been named to the […]

Putney woman killed in Westminster UTV accident
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont State Police are reporting that Angelique “Angel” Frost, 23, of Putney was killed yesterday in a one vehicle crash on Milkway Road in the town of Westminster. According to reports, Andrew Ielpi, 24, of Westminster was driving a John Deere 825i Utility Terrain Vehicle at high speed on […]

Chester residents concerned over changes to zoning regulations
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC While a large portion of the time spent at last Monday’s Chester Planning Commission public hearing on changes to the town’s Unified Development Bylaws was concerned with commercial uses being added to residential districts, one of the recurring themes was the need to craft a document that […]